[AT] Folks are still traveling
charlie hill
chill8 at suddenlink.net
Mon Apr 14 15:44:17 PDT 2008
Larry, on our local news this morning they were interviewing a commercial
fisherman from Beaufort NC.
He said he has 3 boats and normally this time of year he'd send them out to
fish off of SC and GA. It's a hit or misss trip but it's something to do
early in the season. He say's he can't risk doing that this year because
it will cost $65,000.00 to fill the fuel tanks on the 3 boats and there's
promise that he'll catch anything.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Larry Goss" <rlgoss at insightbb.com>
To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Monday, April 14, 2008 10:10 AM
Subject: Re: [AT] Folks are still traveling
> I'm seeing the same sort of things, Farmer. We just got back from a
> weekend in North Carolina and just have one day before heading out to
> Cleveland and Cincinnati for the rest of the week. The highways are
> anything but empty. BUT, the semi's are obviously running about 5 mph
> lower than they used to. I guess the drivers are finding out that they
> get about 1 mpg increase in mileage by doing that. I'll find out for sure
> when "tractor show season" gets into full swing and I start hauling across
> country. I normally run just a little slower than the semi's to conserve
> on my own fuel use.
> We'll see how it works. My latest calculation for hauling with my rig is
> between 25 and 28 cents per mile for out-of-pocket costs. That's triple
> what it was three years ago, but my hauling rig has changed dramatically
> since then.
> Larry
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Indiana Robinson <robinson at svs.net>
> Date: Monday, April 14, 2008 7:28
> Subject: [AT] Folks are still traveling
> To: Antique tractor email discussion group <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
>> I have been selling some surplus stuff on Ebay for the last few
>> months
>> trying to get dug out from many many years of pack-ratting and
>> saving. I
>> have had some stuff that I didn't want to ship because of bulk
>> or weight
>> and I thought I might have trouble finding buyers because of
>> fuel cost.
>> I just sold a 5' Ford rotary mower I had bought as a backup and
>> never
>> used. A couple of brothers are coming from WI to pick it up
>> today... I
>> sold it for more than I paid for it so I'm happy with that.
>> I also recently sold an older console stereo and the buyer is
>> coming
>> from GA to get that one.
>> Last week I dug a set of 4 old solid planter boxes from a Deere
>> 494A
>> corn planter out of a barn and listed them on Ebay with a $15
>> starting
>> bid. I figured that if they didn't get a bid that I would relist
>> them
>> for $10 and if they didn't sell then I would put them on the
>> pile I'm
>> accumulating for the scrap guy. I was happily surprised when
>> they closed
>> for $76... The buyer is in IL.
>> Diana and I have often made some rather lengthy pickup trips
>> but we
>> often look at them as mini-vacations rather than dead expense. I
>> guess
>> some other folks see it the same way. :-)
>> I must admit that current fuel cost have slowed our traveling
>> way down.
>> We want to make a fairly long trip later this year but the
>> little 200 or
>> 300 mile weekend drives have slowed way down.
>> Also slowed way down is running old tractors just for
>> fun. :-(
>> My Deere 4020 needs to be ran on some job to get it good and hot
>> since
>> it has been sitting for almost two years with only rare start-
>> ups to
>> keep it in shape. I really cringe at the thought of the fuel
>> cost to run
>> it a few hours... $100 bill will not fill that tank.
>> I will run the Farmall Super M a little today loading
>> that Ford mower
>> and moving some pallets of "stuff". I have not ran it for
>> several
>> months. I keep moving stuff with my little Yanmar 1500 diesel
>> because it
>> uses even less fuel than my Farmall CUB which uses very little fuel.
>> I used to think nothing of running 10 gallons of fuel into the
>> tank of
>> an old tractor and just puttering with it. No more... That is
>> big bucks.
>> :-)
>> --
>> "farmer"
>> Hay & Straw Exchange (Buy it, sell it and trade it.)
>> http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/HayandStrawExchange
>> Francis Robinson
>> Central Indiana, USA
>> robinson at svs.net
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