[AT] Some ads from the 4/26 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
mikesloane at verizon.net
Sat Apr 26 15:31:44 PDT 2008
Some of the more interesting ads from the (free to
subscribers) Mailbox Markets section of the weekly Lancaster (PA)
Farming newspaper for 4/26/2008. For the full listing, go to
<www.lancasterfarming.com>. [my comments, if any, are in brackets]
For Sale:
Woods L59 mower & brackets for Farmall Super A $900 OBO. York Co.
Wide front end and fast hitch for Farmall C 200, 230, very nice cond.
Chester Co. 610-235-9097.
WD-6 & W-9 Int'l tractor, very nice shape. Adams Co. 717-624-2230.
Terra Trac crawler loader, runs but not running $1,500. 1985 Chev. 3/4T,
4x4, P/U need brake line $1,500. York Co., 717-487-0212.
Plows and cultivator to fit Farmall A $150. OBO. Snyder Co. 570-658-6405.
Restored 1956 Cockshutt/Blackhawk 35, rebuilt, PTO, hydro & motor, Dyno
65 hp, new front tires, rear 75%, wheel weights, $5,000. Lancaster Co.
Pair 30 Fordson Major tires, rims, John Deere single plow, miscellaneous
old Ford, M.F., Ferguson, Dextras, Majors parts. Allegany Co. 585-437-2796.
Oil pull Rumly tractor, runs good, $20,000 obo; mid size farm wagon,
like new, shafts, 2 tongs, stained, nice. Lancaster Co. 717-768-7097.
Massey Ferguson 35 farm tractor, good cond., power steering, $2,400.
Montgomery Co. 215-855-6067.
John Deere B 1939, all new rubber, ready to show $3,900. John Deere #3
sickle bar mower restored $550. Cumberland Co., Pa. 717-532-5750.
John Deere 1010, gas, $2,800; 1992 Polaris Trail Boss, $1,250 obo; Allis
Chalmers C w/woods belly mower, $1,250 OBO; Ford 8N, $2,300. Lancaster
Co. 717-687-6564.
JD1020 gas, Oliver Super 55, wide front for Oliver 77, 1989 Ford F250
w/service body, 2001 Yamaha warrior Pequea 710 tedder. Dauphin Co.,
JD 850 two wheel drive, 2800 hrs, good cond $4,500. Frank. Co.,
JD 630 new rear tires & 3pt, 9'x18' steel bale wagon. JD 520 w/3pt., NH
316 baler w/thrower. Susq. Co., 570-446-3170.
JD 630 3 pt hitch center link $6,200. Case VA parts tractor $600. 2 JD
227 MTD corn picker $500. Montgomery Co. 215-876-5632.
JD 2020 Industrial tractor, runs good, has loader, 3 point set of
chains, go with good paint $4,500), Ind. Co., 724-254-2658.
JD 1020 gas 37 loader, manure and dirt buckets, new rubber and paint
$3,900. Carroll Co., 410-848-5560.
International Cub Lo-Boy, Farmall Cub, both with belly mowers, good
running condition $2,000/ea. Snyder Co., 570-837-3360.
Int. 240 utility gas tractor wide front end, good tires, runs good
$2,000. Salem Co., 856-358-6789.
IH 504 utility diesel, restoration project, rare Ser, #781 S-Y-FF,
$3,000 obo. AA Co., MD 410-867-4109.
Intl 154 Cub Lo-Boy with 60 inch mower, turf tires, good shape, asking
$1,200. also Cultivators for Farmall Cub, good shape. Cumberland Co.
IH 300 utility tractor, runs & drives, rebuilt carburetor, decent sheet
metal, all emblems, nice to restore, W 5' 3 pt. mower, $2,100. Lancaster
Co. 717-529-4066.
For Sale: 1950 Ford 8N good condition, restored, $2,400. Berks Co.
Ford 2600 dsl. $4,650. Riteway rock picker $2,800. Ford LTA9000 vgc
$9,500. CF7000 C&C $1,500. #771 loader $1,600. Lehigh Co., 484-225-6039.
Ford 2600 gas with PS flat top fenders, new 6 ply tires, 1626 orig. hrs.
exc, condition, new 2 row cultivator for JD 2010 come see. Lehigh Co.,
Cub Lowboy with 60 mower, $2,500 obo, always inside, good cond.; Skinner
tree planter, $500. Carbon Co. 570-386-5413.
Dozer 6-way balde diesel International $6,500. VW Thing, 30K miles,
perfect floors $4,400. 855 JD 4x4 loader Aerator, 600 hrs $11,000. Bucks
Co., 215-529-7934.
Ford tractor 3000 diesel with power steering, PTO, 3pt. $3,000. Dauphin
Co., 717-939-7552.
Ford 6000 diesel $2,500. Parker 36 heavy duty lawn sweeper $175. Haban 4
foot side cutter $200. Cumb. Co., 717-776-7556.
Farmall Super C restored tractor with fast hitch, R wheel weights, new
front tires, gauges, hoses, freeze plugs, water pump, radiator cleaned,
$2,700. Blair Co. 814-696-3377.
Farmall SMTA, nice tractor, pull show $8500. IH 450 Red Diamond Power
Unit $1500 OBO. Both super shape. Dorchester Co. 443-205-0879.
Farmall H runs good, looks good, $1,400. Also Oliver 5 bottom plow
hydraulic reset $500. OBO. Franklin Co. 717-349-7508.
Farmall F30 from Starbarn celery trench digger on Farmall F-12 chassis.
Lanc. Co., 717-367-5202.
Farmall Cub lowboy Woods 5' mower, new tires, battery, good paint, white
& yellow, ex. co. $2,500. Balto. Co., 410-239-7495.
Farmall Cubs, 1 with flail mower, 1 with loboy without implements.
Montg. Co., 215-855-3191.
Farmall Cub diret plow complete, original $130. FIH rear wheel weights.
Cub sidedresser, complete, nice. Lanc. Co. Lanc 717-786-8387.
Farmall 560 w/lder, 404 IH w/lder, Farmall H w/lder, Farmall 300, JD
520, Farmall 340, Farmall S-A, AC-D17, Ford 9N, Long 550D, 10 ft. disk,
3pt 8 ft. disk. Clinton Co. 570-726-6641, 570-295-0477.
Farmall 140 HC, $350; Farmall AV, $2,500; Farmall H, on steel, restored,
$2,500; JD MT, nice, original,$2,800. Bedford Co. 814-766-3715.
Clark airport tractor, 6 cyl dual rear wheels $750. Mtg. bracket to put
Myers plow on JD 2510 - 4020. Leb. Co., 717-507-1899.
Cat D4D dozer with blade & pto & 4 yd remotess $7,500. Cat track steel
wheels 16x65 need repairs $750. Bedford Co., 814-766-9947.
Case 530 loader backhoe parts tractor, no engine, $900 for all or get
what you need before we scrap. Lancaster Co. 717-529-4066.
Antique Ford gas 801 select-0-speed, all original, PS, pie weights, 1836
hrs., new tires, one arm, frontend loader & chains, come see, make
offer. Lehigh Co., 610-965-2622.
ACHD5 tracks $800. 5KW Onan gen. $300. 2 rears for 4x4 92 Dodge $600.
680 Case engine $400. Case 580 front tires. Cecil Co., 410-688-3939.
AC-D12 tractor, 30hp, WFE 3pth, LPTO engine, overhaul Woods 72 belly
mower, mower, good paint, condition $4,200/obo. Cecil Co., 410-658-9417.
AC 185D, new brakes, $4,900; Farmall 350, gas restored, $4,500; 1996
Case IH 5240, 4 WD, 6,000 hrs., $26,500. Bradford Co. 570-247-7195.
AC D17 tractor, PS, 3pth, engine overhauled, very good condition $3,200.
Ford diesel dump truck 7000 26000GVW, pintle H. Dauphin Co., 717-692-3616.
AC HD6 loader, bad eng. $1,600. Mod. 41 NW crane air controls Murphy
dies. $9,500. 5.9 Cummins $1,250. Cargo winch off HD11 $1,000. Cecil Co.
AC series III D-17 gas needs transmission repair $2,750. After market
wide front for WD $300. Somerset Co., 814-662-2417.
9N Ford, good cond., new paint, 3 pt. PTO and 5 ft. Bush Hog. I will
call you back. Cumberland Co. (717) 701-3262.
8N Ford with loader, back blade, snow plow, lawn box and more $3,800. MH
30 with loader and cultivator, new tires. Perry Co., 717-789-4751.
AC 160 diesel rebuilt engine, new tires. Cub 154 with mower and snow
plow, both ready to go. Berks Co. 610-641-9581.
756 International TA 540 1000 PTO year-round cab 8 foot Brush Hog by
Woods, field ready, $7,000. Somerset Co. 814-421-5827.
460 Farmall gas $3,700. 1486 Farmall cab/air $12,000. New Idea sickle
bar mower $100. John Deere baler Mod. 212, $300. Motorcycle $1,000.
Perry Co. 717-514-1623.
1960 Willys Station wagon $1,000. Massey Harris 33, 3pt $1,600. Somerset
Co., 814-662-2417.
1958 Int'l 140 trailer with loader & flail mower, new front tires,
muffler, starter & generator, $2,000. Burlington Co. 609-234-4483.
154 Cub lo-boy 60 mower turf tires, runs well, looks nice, Serial
#027451 2nd owner $1,800. OBO. Bucks Co. 215-536-1390.
1947 Farmall A good condition, rebuilt engine, new paint, crank start,
plow, cultivators $3,000. Lanc. Co. 717-738-1599.
1948 John Deere A styled, new paint, asking $4,500/obo. Leb. Co.,
1949 JD B with 3 point hitch. Looks and runs good $2,800/obo. Wash. Co.,
1954 John Deere 40 narrow front with front weights, tires 75%, runs,
great paint, good $2,800. Shen. Co., 540-984-8884.
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