[AT] Trucking a tractor back from Nova Scotia
Paul Waugh
pwaugh at embarqmail.com
Tue Apr 8 18:48:55 PDT 2008
I will throw my 2 cents in.
My GPS and Mapquest route me through NY on I90. PCMiler used by trucking
companies take the 80,87, miss mash back up to 90. I have to follow this
route because they will not pick up my tolls. But after running last week,
I think I burned enough extra fuel in the 'hills' to make up the tolls. I90
is much easier on equipment, but costs on tolls. Anyone that make the extra
45 miles taking I39 around the big windy, well, that is what it is there
for, personally I have IPASS, and it is cheap with very little traffic at 2
AM. :)), so I run I294/I290 around the windy. I too will not run through
down town on I90. There is but one rule about the windy, " THERE IS NO
RULE!" I have run during after noon rush at 60 and I have had a tanker turn
over at 2AM and sat for 2 hrs.
You like the mountains, go through lower NY and PA, you want a smooth ride
run I90. You like an extra 45 min to an hour, take I39 around the windy.
It is all about personal preference!!
Paul Waugh
----- Original Message -----
From: "Alan Nadeau" <ajnadeau1 at verizon.net>
To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2008 7:14 PM
Subject: Re: [AT] Trucking a tractor back from Nova Scotia
> Jerry,
> I forgot about 90 going through Chicago. I "discovered" that run out
> around
> 39 last fall, coming home from Deerfield, WI. I absolutely refused to pay
> the rapist tolls on whatever that route is that runs around by O'Hare
> Airport. They just about triple the tolls for having a single axle
> trailer
> behind a car.
> As for 80 saving hundreds of miles I'm not so sure on that. First time I
> had to go west I ran three routes, one on 90, one on 88 to Binghamton and
> then whatever route connects back to 90 right by Erie, and the third via
> 87
> and 80. They all came out too close to choose when I ran one of them
> little
> map wheel gadgets on them. I ended up going a mishmash of routes, 88 to
> 81
> and then 80 where it crosses 81 south of Wilkes-Barre (?). I was towing
> overloaded with a pickup and never got so sick of climbing grades at 45 in
> my life. I don't drive to WI as often as you do but, for me, I'll take
> the
> relative flatness of 90 to any of the alternate routes if I'm towing.
> I've
> made four trips either from Chicago area or Erie, PA back to Burlington,
> VT
> in the past four years, pulling one of those little 4x8 light duty (1200lb
> cap.) trailers behind our Honda Element. Honda says you can leave it on
> overdrive unless it's shifting constantly. Running 90 there are only two
> hills between Chicago and Albany, that require me to shift out of OD with
> 1,000 lbs on the trailer. They both happen to be on 90 in western NY.
> Al Nadeau
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jerry Rhodes" <jerry38 at alltel.net>
> To: "Antique tractor email discussion group"
> <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2008 6:30 PM
> Subject: Re: [AT] Trucking a tractor back from Nova Scotia
>> Guy, I think Alan got you started right BUT when you bring I-90 across
>> above
>> NYC pickup I-87 west/south to I-80 will save you 100s of miles in the
>> end,
>> I-80 will come together with I-90 in NE Ohio, take 80/90 across OH and IN
>> to
>> to I-39 then north to I-90 again no big cities..I've drove this route (
>> Boston to Wauasu WI) about 10 times in the past year an will not take
>> I-90
>> thru the "Windy City" ever...
>> Jerry NW Ohio
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