[AT] Satellite Tracking was Warning and apology.

charlie hill chill8 at suddenlink.net
Sun Apr 6 10:13:04 PDT 2008

Yeah you're right Steve.  I hear it on my scanner.  However,   I don't have 
a criminal record and we don't have to have gun permits beyond a permit to 
purchase a hand gun.  No registration or anything so I don't have to worry 
about that.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steve W." <falcon at telenet.net>
To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Sunday, April 06, 2008 12:43 PM
Subject: Re: [AT] Satellite Tracking was Warning and apology.

> charlie hill wrote:
>> Steve we have enhanced 911 in my county and I don't believe that will 
>> work
>> with any broadband UNLESS it's the DSL broadband that the phone company
>> provides.
>> You are right about calling 911with the cell phone but lots of us live in
>> areas that don't have seamless cell phone coverage.  The Spot device 
>> sends a
>> signal to a satelitte just like an EPIRB.  There was a story many years 
>> ago
>> when the EPIRBs first came on the market about a guy in road rally race 
>> in
>> Africa who went off the side of a hill into some heavy brush.  He was
>> severly injured and where he was located he would  probably never have 
>> been
>> found.  He had an EPIRB on the race truck.  It went off automatically.  I
>> don't remember the exact sequence but it was something like this.  A 
>> Russian
>> satelitte picked up the signal.  This was in the days of the cold war so 
>> the
>> Russians contacted Germany.  The Germans passed the message along through
>> several different countries until the guy was finally pinpointed by a and
>> pulled out by a rescue chopper.  The chopper knew precisely where he was
>> because of the locator beacon.
>> Charlie
> The catch there is that the "enhanced" 911 systems usually enhance the
> information with things like your pistol permit status, any crimes or
> complaints and if you have any domestic problems. Might not be real bad
> to give up those "enhancements"
> -- 
> Steve Williams
> Firefighter,EMT
> VanHornesville Vol. Fire Dept
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