[AT] Some ads from the 10/13 Lancaster Farming
Larry D Goss
rlgoss at evansville.net
Sat Oct 13 18:06:45 PDT 2007
Power King 1973 with 50 original hours snow plow disc Earth plow
weights, as new, Serial #27922. Monmouth Co., N.J. Nights (609)
259-7310. [Another one - 50 hours? I find that a little hard to believe.]
I know what you mean, Mike. That's a bit incredible, particularly since
hour-clocks were not available on those tractors until the late 80's. Maybe
they mean that the after market clock shows 50 hours since being installed.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Sloane" <mikesloane at verizon.net>
To: "atis >> Antique tractor email discussion group"
<at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Saturday, October 13, 2007 4:29 PM
Subject: [AT] Some ads from the 10/13 Lancaster Farming
> Some of the more interesting ads from the (free to
> subscribers) Mailbox Markets section of the weekly Lancaster (PA)
> Farming newspaper for 10/13/2007. For the full listing, go to
> <www.lancasterfarming.com>. [my comments, if any, are in brackets]
> For Sale:
> Trailer brand new, never used 22', tilt bed 14000 GVW, hydraulic tilt,
> remote control 16" wheels $5,600. Mont. Co., 215-679-6938. [Is it me, or
> does this sound a little screwy? Why would anyone buy a trailer and not
> ever use it and then sell it at a loss?]
> Power King 1973 with 50 original hours snow plow disc Earth plow
> weights, as new, Serial #27922. Monmouth Co., N.J. Nights (609)
> 259-7310. [Another one - 50 hours? I find that a little hard to believe.]
> Old gas engine Witte 3 H.P. open crank, E.K., runs new gas tank on skids
> great compression $600. throt. gov. Anne Arundel Co., MD 410-969-9625.
> Oliver dozer with 6 ft. blade. Engine needs work done. $1,500. Ben
> Miller, 7138 Hardscrabble Rd., Addison, NY 14801. Steuben Co.
> Oliver 70 tractor, Oliver #15 combine pull motor Sacher Book needs
> canvas case D-C tractor case vac tractor. Indiana Co. 724-459-8351.
> New Farmall H&M manifold, $140. Belt pulley, $75. Farmall H in original
> spade lug steel on back. $2,800. Want small scrag mill. 814-634-1918.
> MF 35 gas with power steering and multipower super nice $4,200. New 6ft.
> 3 pt. spring tooth harrow $785. Union Co., 570-524-2408.
> McCormick corn binder with carrier in good cond. Front loader for Ford
> 8N. Bucks Co. 267-784-5331.
> John Deere LA" belt pulley, Cub Cadet 125 hydrostatic, Lodge & Shippley
> B" cultivator, DLTX carburetor, Wico Magneto. Lebanon Co. 717-273-4263.
> John Deere AO" 1936 Serial 251827, new tires, has AR hood & exhaust
> $6,000. Howard Co. 410-489-9791.
> JD 850 tractor 2WD $4,000. AC-g tractor $1,750 FIRM. AC-IB tractor
> $3,000. 3pt. Woods RM mower $800. Bucks Co., 215-598-7546.
> JD 3010 with loader and new tires $4,900. Northampton Co. 610-258-5399.
> IH oil filter elements. NOS Purolator P-20. Fits TD-6, TD-9, T-9, TD-14,
> WD-9, W-6 and others $15/doz. or $2/ea. Warren Co., 518-696-9978.
> Good Running 1953 Ferg. tp-30 Frt Snow blade chains cntr weight very
> original lights 6V $3,000. Steve. Montgomery Co. 215-256-6239.
> Ford 8N & 2N tractors, good cond. $2,300. each, both $4,400. Beagles 6
> yr. male & female $50. both. Cumberland Co. 717-423-5985.
> Ford 8N tractor 1951 rebuilt engne and valves, runs great, good rubber
> and metal, ready to use $2,800. Montg. Co., 610-754-7366.
> Ford 2N Tractor, runs good, good rubber, asking $1,600, make offer,
> Bucks Co., 610-737-4219.
> Ford 2000 tractor, plow mower, scoop. Antique wringer washer, electric.
> 10" radial arm saw with table stand. St. Mary's Co., 301-872-4087.
> Ferguson 30" F/E Loader - (2) buckets, dozen blades, rear scraper, boom,
> chains, rear platform, post hole digger, all 3 pt., all for $6,500.
> Lehigh Co. 610-967-2602.
> Farmall Super C wide front adj. width, good tires & paint, runs good,
> straight drawbar $2,500. OBO. Juniata Co. 717-463-2988.
> Farmall Cub with snow blade, $1,500; misc. trailer, tractor tires, all
> new, 27x9.50-15", 175/80-13", etc., used 8.3x24. Baltimore Co., MD,
> 410-382-5354.
> Farmall M converted too a 10' grader, $2,500 Two, new victorian,
> red/gold couches, $750', each. J.D. 310A 12" Backhoe, Bucket $750'. Like
> new. Montgomery Co. 610-631-1890.
> Farmall MD parts tractor $900. Great Lakes walk behind sickle bar. Shaw
> walk behind cultivator. Dennis Bealer, Jr. North. Co., 610-599-0703.
> Farmall Cub engine radiator included, Wisc. 4 cyl. engine with clutch,
> both good running order $800/ea. Berks Co., 610-562-7239, 7am.
> Farmall B Farmall F14 Case 220 snowblower, 3 cyl. Ford Ind. engine,
> wheel rake. Howard Co., 301-854-0062.
> Farmall 460/Loader, wide front, 50hp, ex. $3,500. N.H. 277
> haybaler/kicker $1,500. Hay wagon $800. Tedder $700, field ready.
> Frederick Co., MD 301-898-5048.
> Copar Panzer white front w/ snow blade, good cond. Montg. Co.
> 215-679-7822.
> Cat 955 track loader, $16,000; MD 40 loader tractor, $4,000; hay turner,
> $2,500; Case 830 parts, make offer. Cecil Co., MD, 443-414-4940.
> Bolens 1556 with deck, 4 ft. sickle bar mower; AC P17; JD 520; JD B; IH
> 300; IH 340; IH 404 w/lder; Case 580 lder; Far w/lder; long 550 D.
> Clinton Co., 570-726-6641 or 570-295-0477.
> Barn Pigeons for sale - $2.50. Cumberland Co. 717-776-4261. [Why on
> earth would someone want to pay money for barn pigeons?]
> 300 Farmall TA very good, 3 new tires, Farmall M very good, $2,150.
> Tires, 1 owner $2,200. Lincoln 200 amp gas exc. cond. Berks Co.
> 484-256-0298.
> 340 International tractor, power steering, nice shape, $1,850; 450 Case
> crawler, 4 in one bucket, $8,500, diesel, nice. York Co., 717-993-3953.
> 1987 AMC Eagle Station Wagon, 4 door, 6 cyl., 4.2 liter, automatic, 4WD,
> Burgundy, original owner, 107,200 miles, $850. Lancaster Co. (717)
> 464-1804.
> 1952 Farmall H restored 2000 Yamaha 4-wheeler 350cc, Wheat seed, 1 yr.
> from certified, cleaned, bagged. Juniata Co., 717-463-3466.
> 1951 Massey Harris 30 row crop, good condition, good sheet metal, 2nd
> owner last 23 years $1,600/obo. Lyc. Co., 570-546-3498.
> 1950 JD B restored $3,700. Montg. Co., 610-287-5935.
> 1949 Massey Harris Poney tractor, all original, new rubber, battery,
> perfect tin w/ cultivators & disc plow, wheel wt. 1,795. Chester Co.
> 610-827-1503.
> 1948 JD A Rollermatic restored, runs good, tires good cond $3,000/obo.
> Alternator generator tester, fair cond., works. Bedford Co., 814-766-3656.
> 1945 Farmall A with 4 wheel weights, runs good, show condition, tractor
> tire chains, 2 sets, x-large snowmobile suit. N. Cumb. 717-766-8014.
> 1947 Allis B Cane Special, completely restored, obo over $4,000. 1977
> Buick Regal 51,700 mi. Runs. $3,000. Northampton Co. 484-226-0487.
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