[AT] Machinery storage update - LONG

Francis Robinson robinson at svs.net
Fri Oct 12 17:32:48 PDT 2007

----- Original Message ----- 

> Greg    Don't forget to put some kind of vapor barrier under the roof 
> steel.
> So that it don't rain condensation on everything. I did that to both of my
> barns and have never been sorry. I used Celotex and they installed it free 
> only
> charged for material.    Del

    One of my neighbors put in fan-fold under-siding foam. It still sweats a 
little. I convinced another neighbor to put down poly film under his crushed 
stone floor and he thanked me several times for getting him to do it. I also 
convinced him to not use golf ball sized crushed stone for a floor. I said 
"you are at some point going to have to get down on that floor to work on 
something. Think for a minute about dropping down on one knee on those sharp 
edged big pieces of stone". If I recall correctly he used a thin layer of 
sand over the plastic then a thick layer of 53's (base) and topped it off 
with some very fine crushed limestone (about like coarse sand). I don't know 
how it looks now since we later lost both he and his wife as friends during 
their divorce... We keep losing friends like that...   :-(
    The neighbor that used the fan-fold has since converted that building to 
a shop and has installed a full ceiling (metal) and full insulation in 
ceiling and walls. He has also installed another larger building behind that 
one for a tool shed. That one has a vapor barrier under the concrete floor.


When you reach the end of your rope
 tie a knot and hang on...

Francis Robinson
Central Indiana, USA
robinson at svs.net 

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