[AT] New F-12
Mattias Kessén
davidbrown950 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 11 11:42:00 PDT 2007
it was very common here. On old Volvos and BM's. I've heard that
people even did it with cars. That must have taken some rebuilding.
2007/10/11, Dave Merchant <nesys_com at ameritech.net>:
> The pix show that it has at least part of the winterfront still there,
> which closed off the radiator to get the temp up.
> Dave Merchant
> At 11:53 AM 10/11/2007, JTakemoto at wildblue.net wrote:
> >Multifuel engines had a manifold heater that could be engaged when running
> >low cost fuels like Kerosene and diesel. You started it up on Gas from the
> >small tank and then when the temp was around 190 to 200 switched it over
> >to the low cost fuels.
> >I know that doesn't sound right but remember in the 30s and 40s these were
> >low cost fuels.
> >Jake
> >
> >
> >
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