[Ford-ferguson] Some ads from the 10/6 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
mikesloane at verizon.net
Sat Oct 6 15:20:12 PDT 2007
Some of the more interesting ads from the (free to
subscribers) Mailbox Markets section of the weekly Lancaster (PA)
Farming newspaper for 10/6/2007. For the full listing, go to
<www.lancasterfarming.com>. [my comments, if any, are in brackets]
For Sale:
Yates American table saw $300. IH #23 sickle mower for Farmall 140.
Sioux valve grinder. Warren Co., 908-475-3330.
Sickle bar for John Deere L, LA or LI complete with extra parts, good
condition, $300. Chester Co. 610-286-0460.
Pair of Ford original script tractor fenders off of 861. Berks Co.
Parts for old Ford tractors, 28" steel wheels, 1 3/8" pto pulley,
Sherman transmission, 7 ft. snowblower, D.A., Allegany Co., 585-437-2796.
Oliver 1650 diesel, nice, $5,000. JD 50 $2,500. 1953 year Farmall Super
C with remotes $1,400. Brillion 10' field cultivator, $200. Lanc. Co.
Moving sale, tons of new bolts, nuts, screws, lags. Vices, drill
presses, 22 drawer large parts cabinets. Harford Co. 1-410-399-4299.
Massey Haris 30, tractor with pulley, good cond. Lebanon Co.
717-865-3434 eves.
MM model UTS tractor, show ready. Kill Bros #275 gravity box. IHC model
140 Lawlor propane powered tractor. Susq. Co. 570-222-3709.
International Hough 60, rubber tire loader, approx. 4 cu. yd. bucket,
very good cond. $11,500. Heavy duty forks off JD 544 $2,900. Franklin
Co., 717-369-5319.
Loader wagner complete, with snow blade, hydraulic bucket, and pump.
Model Ford-WM3. off 8N. $500. Howard Co. Md. 410-489-4560.
Kinkade garden tractor #404L3637, $300; John Deere, one hole hand crank
sheller, #6694-C with round top, $250. Lehigh Co. 610-799-2484.
John Deere B" 1943 and 1945, both with cultivators, John Deere A" 1944,
No. 555H and 44H plows, Lebanon Co., 717-273-4263.
JD 520 1957 $4,800. JD 2B trl. plow trip $425. JD 3B trl. plow trip
$625. Both restored and painted. Franklin Co. 717-816-5669.
JD B" late model, runs great, $1,595. Grain elevator with motor, 10 ft.,
$100. Farmall H", good condition, $1,495. Lehigh Co., 610-767-8957.
J.D. B slant dash, new rubber, $2,400. 1946 Farmall H good cond. nice
paint with Brush Hog, $2,500. Bucks Co. 215-536-4633.
J.D. 430 Dozer $6,800. Ford F250 4x4 7.3 regular cab 190,000 miles, new
trans. $8,500., in N.H. Grafton County, N.H. (603) 869-5819.
International 1110 PTO balanced mid mount sickle bar mower belt drive
complete w/manual $600. good cond. Berks Co. 610-562-5924. [I have a
similar Fast Hitch version, but a mid mount would be nice for trimming
along my road]
IH 706 diesel WF FH, 2 outlets, 2 PTO, A1 shape, $4,500; IH 806 diesel,
runs and operates, needs work, $2,900. Crawford Co. 814-720-5442 6-8 pm.
IH 424 tractor, 40 hp gas, PTO, 3 point, dif. lock, just rebuilt motor,
nice paint, clean manuals, $5,500 OBO. Bucks Co., 267-549-4054.
IH 3820 4x4 backhoe cab, engine problems $2,250. NI uni 770 ear corn
adapter $200. 4" screen $50. Adams Co., 717-752-7767.
IH 340 utility tractor. FH scraper blade. 5' pull mower. Rye straw. 3
pth forklift. 2003 Chevy Venture van. Sch. Co. 570-467-2609.
Case 380 loader tractor, 3 pt. PTO, $1,250 obo; 11/2 ton roller, GC,
$675 obo; IH 37 10' disc. Montgomery Co. 215-654-0344.
CAT D6 blade machine, runs and operates, elec-start; JD 700 hayrake, 24
ft. $3,800; IH 175 Crawler Loader, fair cond. $4,250/offer. Berks Co.
Ford 960 tractor, good rubber, machinery, good pwr. steering, seal leaks
& should have rings, $2,800; 7'x14' dump wagon. Lebanon Co. 717-865-7447.
Ford 841 diesel, runs good, good rubber $2,800. MH 44 WF older
restoration, no hyd. $2,000. Cornbinder $250. Susquehanna Co., 570-833-5701.
Farmall Super W-4 with front mount snow blade, runs good, $3,500. OBO,
Farmall 350 diesel weak TA runs okay $2,000. OBO. St. Mary's Co.
Farmall Super C 2 make 1 radiator shutters front wheel weights special
price for FFA project. Bradford Co. 570-247-7588.
Farmall M tractor runs good $1,200. Also spotted black & white draft
filly. Lanc. Co., 717-768-3406.
Farmall H Rear Rim, good condition, no rust holes, $55. Farmall H rear
tire snow chains, good condition, $30 for the pair. Chester Co.
Farmall H in original spade steel or rubber $1,800. OBO. Want small band
or scrag mill for small 8 ft. logs. 814-634-5368.
Farmall H all fuel tractor. 1938 John Deere G pulling tractor, good
cond. Westmoreland Co. 724-238-4324.
Farmall F-12 (full steel) $1,300.; Oliver 70 (good 40 inch tires)
$1,200; Farmall C with loader/blade $900. Northampton Co. Dennis Bealer,
Jr. 610-599-0703.
Farmall 404 tractor 3 pt. NF front & rear weights 36 HP $2,300. St.
Mary's Co., MD 301-994-0926.
Farmall H" no tires, most parts $450. Fergerson 35 special, original
$2,500. Cordwood sacs, fits front of tractor $100. 6' 3pt disc $300.
Clinton Co., 570-725-3604.
Bobby's ant. Cadillac bus, 100+ cars, 1000's - 1000's of parts, all
equip., trucks, towmotors & trailers. No property. Berks Co. 610-562-8631.
Allis Chalmers G w/one row corn planter, rebuilt motor, new tires, fresh
paint, looks & runs great, $2,950, Lancaster Co., 717-629-1667,
550 Oliver tractor, SN 190597-09, 3 pt. Woods Cadet, 72 mower and 3 pt.,
six ft., rear scraper blade. Lancaster Co. 717-626-2519.
300 International utility tractor, needs restored, $850. 800 Ford
tractor with manual loader, fair condition, $3,000. Adams Co. 717-630-9401.
2 Farmall M'', 130 w/fert; 6T wagons; Indian relics; 24' hay elevator;
5' Bush hog, 11' transport harrow; 2 row potato planter; IR digger; 3x
plow; sprayer; scales. Salem Co., NJ 856-358-8625.
2 Case tractors and 1 small tractor, serial #9063616 VAC4930778, asking
reasomable price. Cumb. Co., 856-451-3920.
1952 Ferguson 30, rebuilt engine, 12 volt, new tires & paint, looks &
runs like new, $3,200. Dutchess Co., NY 845-635-3287.
1952 Ford 8N tractor, converted over to 12 volts. New paint, real good
tin work, runs great, $2,800. Montg. Co., 610-754-7366.
1957 Allis WD-45 N-F, good tin, runs nice, $1,400 OBO. 8 pie wheel
weights, Allis D-series, $350 OBO. Leb. Co., 717-949-8196.
1957 Case Mdl. 311 restored, less than 50 hrs. on motor overhaul, all
new tires, 6V System, very good condition. Juniata Co. To see tractor
call (717) 527-4196.
1959 550 cockshutt PS 3ph wf GC $4,500. 1952 JD50 PS, 3ph, GC $3,500.
Lycom. Co., 570-546-5886.
1948 JD A restored, make offer. Oliver 60, New Idea 2 row corn picker.
Cumb. Co., 717-243-4677.
1950 JDB, new paint, runs good, rear 60%, new fronts, $3.200. Farmall
140 with sickle mower. Susq. Co., 570-934-2159.
1952 Farmall H restored 2000 Yamaha 4-wheeler 350cc, Wheat seed, 1 yr.
from certified, cleaned, bagged. Juniata Co., 717-463-3466.
42 AC B runs good, needs water pump $800. Chester Co. 610-842-2755.
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