[Farmall] SMTAD
roberto rivero
rj.rivero at gmail.com
Fri Nov 2 03:47:40 PDT 2007
2007/11/1, James Moran <jrmoraninc at yahoo.com>:
> Buena Suerte! Fotos, por favor. Es una ganga, no?
Jim en cuanto pueda envio un par de fotos, si es una ganga, lo encontre
de casualidad y aca no tiene valor, pero a mi me gustaba tener uno
Jim Moran...Rochester, New York
> roberto rivero <rj.rivero at gmail.com> wrote: I found the impossible !!! i
> never suposed to find a SMTAD in my countruy,
> since i knew only five came here, the tractor is complete and according
> the prev owner, engine was rebuilt and never used, needs paint, rubbers,
> and lots of work but every thing is original.
> I wonder how the TA works in this tractor, i found something like a hand
> clutch lever, is that the TA command ??
> The TA is mecanic or hydraulic?. What do i must expect with this TA? is
> that a problem like others?
> Now the tractor is mine, but i only inspected it for a little, in a week
> i
> will go to the town where the tractor is in order to tow it to my farm.
> I took some pictures i will look a place where to put them so i share
> them,
> Any comments or help will be appreciate.
> Thanks in advance.
> Ing. Civil Roberto Rivero
> cpr consultores
> Cel.00598 99620035
> Part. 598 2 4033356
> M.Casinoni 1682 Ofic. 513
> Montevideo Uruguay South Am.
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Ing. Civil Roberto Rivero
cpr consultores
Cel.00598 99620035
Part. 598 2 4033356
M.Casinoni 1682 Ofic. 513
Montevideo Uruguay South Am.
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