[Farmall] O/T...but serendipity

James Moran jrmoraninc at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 17 15:16:08 PST 2007

Several of you responded to my troublesome ground issue and the idea of wildflower (prairie) solution.  I have made my "purchase" of a goodly amount of wildflower seeds from a (sad story) lady in Buffalo, New York.  Now, in an effort to "get things a-rollin" I called upon a lonely single fellow up the street and a recently widowed gentleman of (about) 85 years of age to "discuss" the concept.  Both of them are full of ideas and advice...eager to "get involved" and supply assistance and equipment (e.g., the widower has a manure spreader that "should just work fine and dandy").  The "plan" is to rid the fields of as many rocks/stones as possible and, then, in the spring arrange for the town to deliver leaf compost from the fall collections and cut it in using whatever devices come to mind.
The point, here, is that (in addition to possibly becoming an attractive and "green-centered" project from which we and the community can benefit) two (at least) lonely and depressed folks are now "engaged" and something to anticipate.  Not bad, in my humble book.  Agree?

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