[AT] Ford Identification

JParks jkparks at flash.net
Sat Nov 17 07:25:51 PST 2007

I recently acquired a Balmar D60 4 wheel drive loader.  It is an industrial
loader mounted on a Ford Chassis.  Being as ignorant of Ford as I am of many
other things, I need some help identifying the engine and transmission.
The engine is a 4 cyl diesel (rotates by the way, but have not tried to get
it to fire yet) with c/n on the cyl block of C0NN6075J.
Fuel pump is a Roosamaster with a Ford p/n of C0NN9A543J.  Intake mfld of
casting number 310659 and exhaust manifold of 310660.

Transmission case has a casting number of C3NN7006J

The configuration of the machine has the engine in the rear.  I can not read
the c/n on the differential housing. (too many parts in the way for now)
Output shafts from the diff housing have sprockets installed which, like a
tandem drive motorgrader, drive the tandem wheels.  Looking at the design,
it appears to operate like a skid steer wheel loader.

I have some cropped pix of the whole unit but no close-ups.  If there are
any Ford people here who can identify the engine, transmission, or rear end
from this sketchy info I'd appreciate it.  I doubt there are too many Balmar
owners on the list but who knows!?  Any info would be helpful.

John Parks
Boise, ID

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