[Farmall] Farmalls for Iraq?

T.W. Cook tw at farmall-h.com
Thu May 10 13:28:10 PDT 2007

Now and then I receive entertaining email solicitations regarding farmall-h.com, but I think this one (attached below) takes the cake. I had no idea that there was a need for antique Farmalls in the ongoing Iraq reconstruction programme, but apparently it is so. I suspect that the shipping costs would be prohibitive though. Wonder which in particular would be appropriate? I couldn't part with my grandfather's H or the Super A that I mow with, but I suppose any of the rest have their price....

T.W. Cook - tw at farmall-h.com - Georgetown, TX
1930 Farmall Regular
1936, 1937 McCormick-Deering W30s
1941 Farmall A
1948 International Super A
1950 Farmall H
1955 Farmall 200
1957 Wheel Horse RJ
1961 International V195A Roadliner
1965 Scout 80 4x4
1967, 1967, 1968 Cub Cadets 105, 125, 125

مدير  Director 
Dear Sirs,
We are merchant in al-Basrah, al-Qâdisîyah, KarbalÄ  an-Najaf , Mashad Hussayn, Baghdâd , as-Sulaymânîyah in iraq republic. Despite the present security situation, many businesses are already successfully gaining a foot-hold in the large under-developed and investment-hungry market. For instance I am working on a proposal to supply your products towards the ongoing Iraq reconstruction programme. Send me your  products cost and shipping schedule  for my consideration. 
My contact below;
Dr. Muthhier S. Saba Al-Temimi
President Tera al-Manduma Co 
al-Basrah- iraq Republic
لا التسجيل  no.601 - 28 - 71165

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