[AT] another harvest picture

Ralph Goff alfg at sasktel.net
Fri Mar 23 20:27:31 PDT 2007

CEE VILL wrote:
> I can not answer your question, Charlie, as I have not worked with the other 
> crops.  The problem with barley is the beards  around the grain.  Here is a 
> brief description from a web sight:
> Barley beards fan out. Anyone who has handled barley knows that the beards 
> have serrated edges. Tiny barbs catch when you rub from the ends towards 
> seeds.
Charlie, I found it was more than just the beards. Any of the dust from 
that grain be it from combining, shoveling in the bin or just standing 
at the back of the truck while it was unloading. I'd soon start to 
scratch my neck and rub my eyes. It didn't matter how well I washed all 
the dust off , that night I would usually wake myself up scratching my 
arms til they were raw and bleeding at times. I guess I am pretty 
sensitive to all grain dust because it can happen like that with most 
types of grain. So I avoid dust whenever possible. Like  Charlie Hill 
suggested, its a real treat operating the newer combines in a dust free 
environment after years of suffering from the dust. My International 
1660 is quiet as the average truck cab, cool or warm according to what 
conditions call for. The air ride seat soaks up any roughness. Right 
hand controls forward motion, speed, and header height while the left 
hand steers. I can listen to talk radio all day long if I want. Late at 
night I can pick up the U.S. talk shows for a little change of scene. I 
remember working til about 3:00 am a couple of years ago picking up 
linola swath. My brother was riding along to help me keep awake but he 
was falling asleep in the passenger seat. Not the kind of thing I'd want 
to make a habit of but once in a while I can handle it.

Ralph in Sask.

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