[Farmall] Stamped Letters

John & Jan Paur johnjanpaur2 at directcon.net
Sun Mar 25 18:29:35 PDT 2007

Jim,  Thank you for your thoughts.  Tho I don't know, I sort of doubt the 
tractors come from a common owner or dealer.  The A is 1941 and I got it 
from the Sacramento area and the B is a 1947 and I bought it near Riverside, 
CA.  I don't believe IHC provides records on where/when tractors were 
shipped to dealers.  Unless someone else comes up with some facts on this, I 
guess it will remain a mystery.  I would be interested in knowing anything 
you might learn on this subject tho.  Thanks again,  John

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jim Becker" <jim.becker at verizon.net>
To: "John & Jan Paur" <johnjanpaur2 at directcon.net>
Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2007 5:50 PM
Subject: Re: Stamped Letters

> John,
> I replied the same thing back to the list for anyone following this 
> thread.
> Got the pictures.  The boss is the implement mounting pad above the
> differential.  If I ever saw one stamped there, I don't remember it.  I
> think someone once posted a comment about seeing one, but I don't remember
> who it was.
> They definitely don't match up with anything I have seen documented.  The
> only thing I can think of where IH might have called out such a thing 
> would
> have been in a service bulletin.  All of those I have seen called out
> stamping things on the serial number plate.  Since you have 2 with 
> markings
> of that sort, I wonder if you had a dealer in the area that did some 
> marking
> on tractors they did certain repairs on.  They could also have been owner
> applied.  A bigger operation with multiple tractors may have done such
> things.
> Beyond that, I am out of ideas.
> Jim Becker        jim.becker at verizon.net
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "John & Jan Paur" <johnjanpaur2 at directcon.net>
> To: "Jim Becker" <jim.becker at verizon.net>
> Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2007 6:30 PM
> Jim, I got busy today and took pic's of the stamped letters on my Farmall 
> A & B.  The XXX came thru OK but the M doesn't show well so I hi-lited it 
> with a pen.  I'm sending them to you on a separate e-mail.  Your help in 
> deciphering is appreciated.  Thanks,  John

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