[AT] Case Wheel weights
charlie hill
chill8 at suddenlink.net
Tue Jul 31 18:04:50 PDT 2007
Mark, I haven't been keeping up so forgive me if I repeat.
Do you have fluid in the tires? That is the easiest and most effective
weight you can add. It pins the tire surface to the ground but places
almost no weight or drag on the drive train of the tractor. You probably
will need some more weight beyond what you can get in the tires but that is
the place to start.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Greer" <greerfam at raex.com>
To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2007 10:01 AM
Subject: Re: [AT] Case Wheel weights
>I had a 30 gallon steel drum filled with concrete and fitted with three
> point pins/brackets for another tractor. It was a miserable pain in the
> butt
> to take on and off and always managed to be in the way where ever I put it
> when I was using another implement on the back of the tractor so I really
> don't want that again. It would be OK if this tractor was only used as a
> loader and never got any implements used on the three point. I'll also
> need
> weight on the rear for traction in the winter when I have a back blade on
> it
> so it has to be in the tires or wheelweights. I'd really like to find some
> weights that will bolt to my wheel centers. I'll have to check the bolt
> spacing on them tonight and post back here. The tires are 13.6-28 with the
> pressed steel centers in the rims. Maybe some other brands will bolt up.
> Mark
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Mike Sloane" <mikesloane at verizon.net>
> To: "Antique tractor email discussion group"
> <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2007 7:27 AM
> Subject: Re: [AT] Case Wheel weights
>> I had the same problem with poor traction when using the loader on my
>> Case 430CK, so I built a weight box using a plastic 55 gal. drum bolted
>> to a three point drawbar and filled with scrap iron. I rarely need to
>> remove it, but just dropping it down on a couple of cement blocks should
>> not be a problem. The top is secured to the top link bracket with a
>> chain. So far, it has worked out very nicely.
> <http://public.fotki.com/mikesloane/case_430_ck/t_case_new_counterw-1.html>
>> As far as using Rimguard, I think it is a great idea and would use it in
>> place of calcium, but nobody around here sells it.
>> Mike
>> Mark Greer wrote:
>> > I recently bought another Case 430 to replace the one I lost when my
> barn
>> > burned in late March. This one has a nice Henry Loader on it and new
> tires
>> > all around. They didn't put calcium back in the tires when they put the
> new
>> > ones on and the tractor is damn near worthless with anything in the
> bucket.
>> > I'd like to find some wheel weights for it and if any of you know of
> some
>> > that are available I'd appreciate a heads up on them. I don't want to
> hang a
>> > weight box off the three point as I will use some three point
>> > implements
>> > fairly regularly and weight boxes are a pain to take on and off - been
>> > there, done that. I'm also looking into loading the tires but I don't
> like
>> > calcium. I've been down the rotten rims route and would rather not go
> there
>> > again. Has anyone here used that sugarbeet byproduct called RimGuard?
> I'd
>> > like to hear from someone who's actually used it rather than someone
>> > who
>> > just wants to sell me some.
>> > Mark Greer
>> > Orrville, Ohio - Home of Smucker's Jelly
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