[AT] Case Wheel weights
pwaugh at mchsi.com
Tue Jul 31 09:10:41 PDT 2007
I have a friend that bought a 'hay stab' .. when using the loader, he stabs
a round bale and that does him. And he can use it for putting hay out haha
Paul Waugh - IN
> Mark Greer wrote:
>> I recently bought another Case 430 to replace the one I lost when my barn
>> burned in late March. This one has a nice Henry Loader on it and new
>> all around. They didn't put calcium back in the tires when they put the
>> ones on and the tractor is damn near worthless with anything in the
>> I'd like to find some wheel weights for it and if any of you know of some
>> that are available I'd appreciate a heads up on them. I don't want to
hang a
>> weight box off the three point as I will use some three point implements
>> fairly regularly and weight boxes are a pain to take on and off - been
>> there, done that. I'm also looking into loading the tires but I don't
>> calcium. I've been down the rotten rims route and would rather not go
>> again. Has anyone here used that sugarbeet byproduct called RimGuard? I'd
>> like to hear from someone who's actually used it rather than someone who
>> just wants to sell me some.
>> Mark Greer
>> Orrville, Ohio - Home of Smucker's Jelly
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