[AT] Varmints and farming
charlie hill
chill8 at suddenlink.net
Tue Jul 24 17:51:39 PDT 2007
Bob that's exactly what I always believed was about to happen to me. The
slope was steep enough that I had to bend forward to walk up it to the point
that I could reach straight out in front of me and touch the ground. The
holly tree was growing out of the side of the hill so that it's low limbs
were just above the level ground at the top of the slope.
My hair is gray now but at the time it was dark brown and long and I had a
full beard. I figure my clothes were somewhat blending in with the
hillside and he thought I was a nice juicy critter climbing the hill. He
swooped in from the opening above the creek and came up behind me. Luckily
for me he realized his mistake before I wound up like the forester.
It never occured to me before now that he could have killed me. I'm sure
glad I didn't know it then. It shook me up bad enough as it was.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob McNitt" <nysports at frontiernet.net>
To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 7:13 PM
Subject: Re: [AT] Varmints and farming
> Charlie -
> There was a verified report many years ago, I recall it was in Michigan or
> maybe Wisconsin, about a forester who was killed by a great horned owl.
> The guy was out cruising timber and when he didn't show up that night,
> they went searching for him. They found his body in a big section of tall
> evergreens. By examining the wounds at the base of his skull, they finally
> pieced together what had happened.
> He was wearing a muskrat fur hat and apparently, in the dim light, the owl
> thought it was a critter, swooped down and drove its razor-sharp "thumb"
> talons into the base of his skull, severing his spinal cord.
> So your experience doesn't surprise me. I've had a couple great horns
> swoop over my head at dusk when I was predator calling, checking me out to
> see if I was a rabbit in distress. Sure startles you tho.
> Bob
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