[AT] OT: Oklahoma Centennial
Larry D Goss
rlgoss at evansville.net
Mon Jul 23 18:58:37 PDT 2007
Don't forget Will Rogers and Jim Thorpe, H.L.
----- Original Message -----
From: "H. L. Staples" <hlstaples at mcloudteleco.com>
To: "Antique tractor" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2007 5:34 PM
Subject: [AT] OT: Oklahoma Centennial
> Oklahoma Centennial
> Oklahoma is celebrating its 100th anniversary of
> statehood this year. Because most people think of the
> stage play "Oklahoma!" when they hear the state's name mentioned,
> citizens are attempting to update the state's image by sharing
> interesting state facts with others as we celebrate our Centennial.
> Oklahoma is not only the home of Ado Annie and Aunt
> Eller from "Oklahoma!" but of the parking meter
> (invented in OKC) and the shopping cart (invented in
> Ardmore).
> The electric guitar also was invented in Oklahoma, by
> a Beggs musician named Bob Dunn. The first "Yield"
> sign was installed in Tulsa.
> **Environmental Protection Agency recognizes Oklahoma
> as having the most diverse terrain of any state in the
> nation. The state, according to EPA, boasts 11
> distinct eco-regions.
> The state has more man-made lakes than any other
> state, which give us more than a million surface-acres
> of water and 2,000 more miles of shoreline than the
> Atlantic and Gulf coasts combined.
> The Sooner State has produced more astronauts than any
> other state in the union. Owen Garriott is an Enid
> boy, of course, while Tom Stafford is from
> Weatherford, Shannon Lucid from Oklahoma City, William
> Pogue from Okemah and the late Gordon Cooper from
> Shawnee.
> Oklahoma is home to the Amateur Softball Association
> and Hall of Fame, a world class zoo in OKC and more F4
> and F5 tornadoes than any other state.
> Oklahoma is the third-largest gas-producing state in
> the nation and ranks fourth in the production of
> wheat, cattle and calves, fifth in the production of
> pecans, sixth in peanuts and eighth in peaches.
> The state's colors are neither OU's crimson and cream
> nor the orange and black of OSU but green and white.
> Oklahomans practice 73 major religions. The largest is
> the Southern Baptist Convention, with nearly 1,600
> churches and more than 960,000 members.
> Oklahoma gave birth to Dick Tracy (cartoonist Chester
> Gould is a native of Pawnee) and Donald Duck (Clarence
> "Ducky" Nash, the original voice of Walt Disney's
> Donald, grew up in Watonga).
> Oklahomans have survived the Dust Bowl, any number of
> killer tornadoes, the 1995 bombing of Oklahoma City's
> Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building and various oil
> booms and busts. Oklahoma is populated by people who
> are caring, giving, hard-working, patriotic and
> fiercely independent. Oklahoma is a good place to
> live, work and play.
> The challenge in this, our centennial year, is to make
> the rest of America aware of what Oklahoma has to
> offer, besides "beautiful mornings," "fringe-laden
> surreys" and "a girl who cain't say no."
> The official statehood celebration will be in
> November. In the meantime, individual cities are
> restaging various events associated with statehood and
> the settling of Indian Territory which eventually
> became our state. It's a great time to be an Oklahoman
> and I wanted to share this with you!
> Pass this on to friends who might not know anything about our state.
> Especially, since the quarter design won't show anything informative about
> OKLAHOMA other than we have scissor-tailed flycatchers and sunflowers.
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