[Farmall] 3 point hitch kits for Farmall H
Paul Bazzetta
bazzetta at execpc.com
Tue Jul 17 18:06:23 PDT 2007
I could not find one on the internet either.
On Jul 16, 2007, at 8:31 PM, Howard Weeks wrote:
> Paul,
> No problem with time!
> I looked around on the net thinking I could find a price but never
> did. Probably didn't look in the right place.
> I am interested so let us know when you find a price.
> Thanks!
> Howard
> Harlem, GA
> On 15 Jul 2007 at 20:42, Paul Bazzetta wrote:
>> Sorry for the slow response. 1/2 of what it cost new. I was out of
>> town and have not looked it up yet.
>> -PB
>> On Jul 13, 2007, at 5:38 PM, Howard Weeks wrote:
>>> Paul,
>>> How much do you want for it?
>>> Thanks!
>>> Howard Weeks
>>> Harlem, GA
>>> On 12 Jul 2007 at 21:30, Paul Bazzetta wrote:
>>>> I have a Worksaver 3-pt kit that was made for the Super-C. I
>>>> sold
>>>> the tractor before I ever installled it. If any one is
>>>> interested in
>>>> buying it let me know.
>>>> bazzetta at execpc.com
>>>> -Paul
>>>> On Jul 12, 2007, at 12:28 PM, Glenn Karch wrote:
>>>>> We made a three point hitch for an H. We used the same lift arms
>>>>> as the
>>>>> Ford and made the rest. I have a factory made 3 Point on my M,
>>>>> but
>>>>> it is so
>>>>> heavy that it is an overkill for and H. I used the M 3 point
>>>>> as a
>>>>> referance.
>>>>> Glenn Karch
>>>>> Hercules Historian
>>>>> Haubstadt, Indiana, USA
>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>> From: "Lisa Kelley" <pippi-longstocking- at hotmail.com>
>>>>> To: <farmall at lists.antique-tractor.com>
>>>>> Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 9:44 AM
>>>>> Subject: [Farmall] 3 point hitch kits for Farmall H
>>>>>> Hi all-
>>>>>> I'm new so my questions probably been asked before but I
>>>>>> couldn't get
>>>>>> functional w/ the archive search ;-)
>>>>>> I have a 1943 Farmall H that I want to add a 3 point hitch to
>>>>>> so I
>>>>>> can do
>>>>>> some mowing/bushhogging, (and maybe eventually add a post hole
>>>>>> digger) I
>>>>>> have read some very good reviews/recomendations for a 3pth kit
>>>>>> from
>>>>>> Saginaw
>>>>>> County Tractors----but before I go an order one wanted more
>>>>>> feedback. I
>>>>>> know
>>>>>> some folks fabricate their own 3pth? My neighbor and boyfriend
>>>>>> are
>>>>>> experienced welders/mechanics/ jury rig it together types ;-)
>>>>>> but
>>>>>> so far
>>>>>> have not been able to find enough info/ specs to feel safe about
>>>>>> fabricating
>>>>>> our own.... we want whatever hitch we put on to be safe to draw
>>>>>> from with
>>>>>> the Model H obviously!
>>>>>> Thoughts? Advice? Much apreciated!
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Pippi Longstocking in Maine
>>>>>> "Horse Sense is a thing horses have that keeps them from
>>>>>> betting on
>>>>>> people"
>>>>>> ~ W.C. Fields
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>>> Howard Weeks
>>> Harlem, GA
>>> K5JCP
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> Howard Weeks
> Harlem, GA
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