[AT] Good bye!

Grant Brians gbrians at hollinet.com
Fri Jul 13 21:40:32 PDT 2007

Terry, I need to paint my box trucks with signage. Can I use house paint to 
do the job or does it require the use of new type auto paint? Or should I 
actually use the new expensive stuff? Or old implement enamel? My budget is 
seriously STRETCHED. Thanks for a few tips.
             Grant Brians
             Hollister California
p.s. Thank you very much

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Terry Welch" <terry1955 at sbcglobal.net>
To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 5:17 PM
Subject: Re: [AT] Good bye!

>I remember the boxes very well as I was the first on to carry one away from 
>the starting point at Paul's place. Handed it off to Guy Fay. It was fun 
>and good learning experience then. It was great meeting the nice people on 
>this list.  I do not post much here any more because the so called experts 
>tell you everything you do is wrong. I used to answer questions on painting 
>equipment as this is what I did for over 30 years. I am no expert, even 
>though I do have some lic. that says I am a Master Tech in this area. I 
>listen to see if I can learn something and maybe help someone else. But 
>when I get blown off and told that I do not know anything. It is time for 
>me to set back and lurk.
>  Terry
> Who remembers the long voyage of "The Boxes" that so many of us were
> involved with. For those who don't know the story here's a short version.
> Spencer had a JD "M" that he was going to restore. A bunch of us came up
> with the idea of getting a set of manuals for it and circulating them as 
> far
> as possible, by face-to-face meetings between members. Seems like there
> were four manuals and they each took a different trip. Each carrier signed
> the book before passing it on. I met some nice folks while I was involved
> with the box. If I remember right we managed to keep it secret and I think
> the box, with the manuals back together (only three, seems like one
> disappeared enroute to/from So. Africa) were given to Spencer at the
> Portland show. That goes back a ways, seems like it was 1997 or '98 we did
> that.
> Al Nadeau
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