[AT] Good bye!

Terry Welch terry1955 at sbcglobal.net
Tue Jul 10 17:17:55 PDT 2007

I remember the boxes very well as I was the first on to carry one away from the starting point at Paul's place. Handed it off to Guy Fay. It was fun and good learning experience then. It was great meeting the nice people on this list.  I do not post much here any more because the so called experts tell you everything you do is wrong. I used to answer questions on painting equipment as this is what I did for over 30 years. I am no expert, even though I do have some lic. that says I am a Master Tech in this area. I listen to see if I can learn something and maybe help someone else. But when I get blown off and told that I do not know anything. It is time for me to set back and lurk. 


Who remembers the long voyage of "The Boxes" that so many of us were 
involved with. For those who don't know the story here's a short version. 
Spencer had a JD "M" that he was going to restore. A bunch of us came up 
with the idea of getting a set of manuals for it and circulating them as far 
as possible, by face-to-face meetings between members. Seems like there 
were four manuals and they each took a different trip. Each carrier signed 
the book before passing it on. I met some nice folks while I was involved 
with the box. If I remember right we managed to keep it secret and I think 
the box, with the manuals back together (only three, seems like one 
disappeared enroute to/from So. Africa) were given to Spencer at the 
Portland show. That goes back a ways, seems like it was 1997 or '98 we did 

Al Nadeau

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