[AT] discussion group

Ken Knierim ken.knierim at gmail.com
Mon Jul 9 07:56:33 PDT 2007

     Thanks for that link. It eloquently puts my personal take on the
situation. Last night I looked at the discussions and disagreed
greatly with some of what has been said. As an engineer, I feel the
desire to set the record straight based on the information I have and
have seen, but took a step back and realized that it's just turned
into trench warfare. None of the sides are going to back down and I
would just be adding carnage to the stalemate. Instead I sat on the
couch with my new son while he slept on my chest, and just plain
enjoyed our time. (he's able to hold onto his first wrench already.
it's better than him pulling chest hairs!)
I have a honey-do list longer than my memory, and as a self-employed
small businessman I have a lot of work demands from customers who are
happy I have a new kid but want their stuff to ship out ASAP. Quite
frankly, they're gonna have to wait. Some things are too fleeting.
Like life.
Live a little, folks. And re-learn what it's like to be young and
maybe even remember how to play together and share toys. There's
already way too much extremism and militancy in the world; please take
it off-list.


Ken in AZ

On 7/8/07, Dean Van Peursem <deanvp at att.net> wrote:
> Guys,
> Please, please let it go. There isn't going to be a winner by making someone
> a loser. I know what it is like to be on the receiving end of this stuff. It
> ran me off. I chose not to participate any more. More list members will
> follow if this doesn't stop soon.  This was a very kind and helpful list at
> one time. It is my sincere desire, and hopefully others, that this list
> return to the civility the list had a few years ago. This kind of stuff
> happens way too often on this list of late. Please, take a deep breath and
> try to restrain yourself.  We ALL lose when this kind of stuff goes on.
> If for some rational reason it must continue, please do it off list. I
> subscribed to this list to learn more about and try to help others relative
> to antique tractors. It is really hard to accomplish either at the moment.
> Now on an even more personal note: Over the last few weeks things have been
> a little out of balance here resulting in me getting my priorities mixed up
> a bit and then recently I was made aware of this poignant story.  I would
> like to share it with the list:
> Click here: A Thousand Marbles <http://llerrah.com/thousandmarbles.htm>
> Hope you find it as refreshing and good "food for thought" as I did.
> Dean A. Van Peursem
> Snohomish, WA 98290
> "He who makes decisions in haste repents at his leisure."
> www.deerelegacy.com
> http://members.cox.net/classicweb/email.htm

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