[Ford-ferguson] Some ads from the 7/14 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
mikesloane at verizon.net
Sat Jul 14 16:04:08 PDT 2007
Some of the more interesting ads from the (free to
subscribers) Mailbox Markets section of the weekly Lancaster (PA)
Farming newspaper for 7/14/2007. For the full listing, go to
<www.lancasterfarming.com>. [my comments, if any, are in brackets]
For Sale:
Yerf-Dog suv Scout 10 hp engine, 142 hrs., with roof, reduced to $2,500.
Lanc. Co., call 484-955-3036.
John Deere 420 NF 3-pt hitch, good sheet metal. Runs good. $3,500.
Cumberland Co., 717-729-5662.
John Deere 620, $3,000. John Deere 50, $1,800. Kuhn 3 pth rake, $600.
John Deere 5020 cab, new clutch, $8,500. Butler Co., 724-353-1392.
Last call before I cut it up for scrap, New Holland Model 460 Haybine
$200. NSC. Mifflin Co. (717) 483-6752.
M.F. TO 30 with cultivator, plow, harrow & snow plow, New Holland 258
rake, excellent. Lehigh Co. 610-262-4315.
Massey Harris pony, with sickle bar, cultivators, plow, 3 point hitch,
w/some extra parts, asking $2,100. York Co. 717-755-7283, 574-4220.
MF65 diesel, 51 HP, power steering, high clearance, w/6' Int. 3pt. Brush
Hog mower, runs & works good, $3,600. Lancaster Co. (717) 951-3849.
Miscellaneous old Ford tractor parts, rebuilt steering boxes, pumps,
pulleys, Sherman trans., tires, rims. Allegany Co. 585-437-2796.
Oliver 770 6 cylinder gas runs. York Co., 717-292-4465, no Sunday calls.
Oliver Super 55 tractor, gas engine, runs good, fresh paint, good
rubber, external remotes, $3,900. Columbia Co. 570-356-7639.
Reproduced seat parts for 1939 Farmall "H'' tractors. Call Neal for info
and prices. Monroe Co. 610-681-6474.
Wheel Horse tractors, 1968 Comando 8, 1965 655, original cond., run,
drive with accessories. Restoration started, rebuilt trans., $350 -
$400. Chester Co. 610-462-6067.
Terra-Track Case collectors, early 50 w9 diesel wheel loader, runs and
moves. All orig. with cab, $4,000. Carbon Co. 610-377-0372.
TD0 dIH crawler, good cond. $3,000/obo. 1240 JD 6 row, no till corn
planter $600/obo. 4500 Hesston small square baler $400/obo. Berks Co.,
Suitcase weights for JD and IH Farmall 300, good TA with plow. Lanc. Co.
Snow plow for Farmall H; Horse drawn sleigh; four cow stantions with
hardware; antique weigh scale; truck toolbox.Bucks Co. 215-766-0141.
John Deere 1010 crawler loader, gas, runs great, tracks excellent. Final
drives recently rebuilt by J.D. dealer, $6,900. Bucks Co. 610-847-2732.
John Deere 1050 4WE, 3600 hours, good rubber, good runner, got bigger
tractor, don't need anymore. Lycoming Co., 570-584-4234, 7-8pm only.
JD B Serial #243409, good tires, Roll-O-Matic, $2,400. Cambria Co.
JD 440 track loader parts, all cylinders, loader arms, misc pts. $250.
No bucket trans, motor tracks. Bucks Co., 215-536-9531.
JD 2 cyl. tractors and parts. Stop on your way to NY, 2-cyl. expo. 1/4
mi. off Route 15 at Sebring exit, Liberty, PA. Tioga Co. 570-324-2821.
JD 1010 utility tractor. JD 261 Grooming mower. JD 246 corn planter, JD
32' elevator w/corn spout. York Co., 717-324-3721, no Sunday calls.
International Harvester 260 Series A pay hoe needs work, must move
$3,000. Salem Co. NJ 856-299-6373.
International Cub Lo-Boy w/ mower, turf tires, yellow adn white, very
nice 2nd owner. $2,500/obo. Dau. Co., 717-533-7345.
International 606 tractor with 1110 model sickle mower, wheel weights,
good T/A, wide front end, 3 pt hitch, $3,000 obo. Lehigh Co. 610-966-4657.
International 330 tractor 1959 with Bush Hog, 2 bottom plow subsoiler
bar mower, fast hitch $4,000. Bucks Co., 215-766-0693, leave message.
Int. 460 Hi-Utility WF 3 pt. adaptor, 2 pt. w/ down pressure diesel 46
hp orig. cond. $3,600. OBO. Berks Co. 215-771-3428.
IH Scout II 1980 diesel stick shift, 4x4 bed motor, good title. Call
609-273-4763. Asking $1,200.
IH Cub lowboy, 154 with Woods 60" mower, live PTO, totally restored,
ready to mow or show, $3,250. Berks Co., 610-488-7359.
IH 240 row crop narrow front cultivators rear side dressers new
alternator 12 volt system, nice. Wayne, NY 315-587-9062.
IH 2000 loader w/ 92" bucket, Surge Alamo vacuum pump 3hp motor w/
reclaimer system. Berks Co. 610-682-7065. [92" bucket? That's a BIG
bucket for a 2000 loader!]
Final ad: Woods 42" belly mower off Farmall ub, fits other fmaller
tractors $250. Call for Details. Berks Co., 610-944-9162.
Ford 4500 loader backhoe tractor, everything works, 1st $3,800. New
Holland 555 skid loader $3,500. Yamaha 350 4-wheeler. Lanc. Co.
Ford 8N snow plow w/Curtis Cab & tire chains $250. John Deere FB grain
drill-restored cond. Leb. Co. 717-273-4263.
Farmall H parts or restore, $600. Yates American table saw, $200. Sioux
valve grinder, B&D valve grinder. Warren Co. 908-475-3330.
Farmall M looks good, runs good, FBX286458X1 Serial, 2,400, 91 S-10
parts, 4 cyl, 5 speed, runs good, body bad. Berks Co., 610-721-0324.
Farmall M, 1950 model, live hydraulics, 14.9x38 Firestone tires, nice
sheet metal, good running tractor $2,500. Lycom. Co., 570-435-2271.
Farmall regular parts, engine manifolds, air cleaner, cyl head, clutch
crankshaft, block, radiator, belt pulley, draw bar, oil filter, fuel
tank, irons/differential. Blair Co. 814-696-3377.
Farmall-Club nice shape, runs good, good paint. Farmall A, nice shape,
runs good, good paint, tractors. Leb. Co., 717-273-9419.
Farmall Cub w/cult., $1,500; 2005 Kubota motor, out of Bobcat S185,
turbo, $1,800; Kubota, motor bad, D722E, 3 cyl., $650. Bucks Co.
F-12 Farmall parts for sale. Also looking to buy F-14 dead or alive. Ask
for Doug. Juniata Co., 717-371-7029, any time.
Farmall 140 fast hitch plow, cultivator front blade, orig. muffler and
paint, good cond., $7,500 obo. Lancaster Co. 717-626-4558.
Dismantling Silver King tractor w/hand brakes, W.F.E.; Oliver 60, JD A
carburator, $300. Somerset Co. 814-926-2205.
Cub tractor with front end blade $2,800/obo. 2000 Mercury Villager Sport
minivan, 52,000 miles $7,800. Lanc. Co., 717-314-3213.
David Bradley garden tractor & equipment, David Bradley (Suburban)
riding tractor with 42" mower deck, plow-restored. Leb. Co. 717-865-6997.
Case 420B backhoe, runs good, clutch stuck $2,500. MF TO35 with Perkins
diesel, needs work $1,000. Other tractors. Camden Co., 856-767-2740.
Case Vac, good tin, runs good, all original, good paint, good tires,
Eagle hitch, good hyds, $1,500. Susq. Co. 570-289-4626.
Arps loader off Farmall dual action, cylinders on boom and bucket,
$1,300 OBO; 6 in. Hammermill, $50. Frederick Co., MD, 301-293-1220.
AC-C, looks & runs good, good rubber $1,275.; 10'x15' P.T. deck for A.G.
pool, you remove $300.; H.D. steel shelves; AC wheel weights. York Co.
AC HDII dozer with winch $4,300. 90 Dodge D250 Cummins diesel, auto
$2,800. 1600x25 tires, new $100/ea. 3208 CAT eng. $900. Cecil Co.,
AC B with Woods mower, good cond. $1,300. Cub 154 w/mower & blade, exc.
cond. $2,100. Berks Co. 610-641-9581.
55 gallon barrels, Heavy Duty plastic, will hold water or any liquid $5.
each. Lanc. Co. 717-629-6335. [I used one to make a three point
counterweight for my Case 4530CK; I filled it with scrap iron]
1968 IHC 424 w/loader $4,500. Rhino FM100, 3pt, finish mower $1,500.
Bernville, PA, 443-865-5354.
1956 Desoto for parts or demolition derby $300. Hemi engine is extra
$1,200., line shaft pulley $100. Lanc. Co. 717-665-7416.
1962 Economy tractor, rebuilt 8HP Briggs motor 1973 rebuilt 4' mower
deck, many new parts, works great $1,750. Lebanon Co. 717-933-5196.
1950 Case VAI tractor w/hydraulic sickle bar mower & 6 ft. snow plow,
decent paint, starts/runs well, $2,500. OBO. York Co. 717-495-3852.
1953 Farmall Super H, runs excellent, tires excellent, sheet metal good,
needs paint & brakes $1,950. Bucks Co. 215-766-0243.
1948 Allis Chalmers C N.F.E. VG condition, new rear tires and rims, new
radiator $1,500. Montour Co., 570-437-2641.
1947 Farmall C rebuilt engine new, paint, tires, radiator, etc.
$2,500/obo. Berks Co., 610-633-7715.
1944 John Deere B, runs good, all orig. sheet metal, very good new front
tires, back 80%, $2,500. OBO. Lycoming Co. 570-547-1411.
165 Massey Ferguson Perkins, gas, runs good with loader, tires fair,
$4,500 obo. Lancaster Co. 717-355-2343.
1928 John Deere D" running, excellent original unrestored condition,
cutoffs rubber correct magnito and carb, $3,750 obo. Somerset Co.
1937 John Deere B, prof. painted, new tires, muffler, hood, seat, footed
iron kettle with handle. Seed bags. Lanc. Co. 717-898-7386.
125E Int. crawler loader w/4 in 1 bucket, runs, needs some repairs,
$4,000 obo. Lanc. Co. 717-733-8434.
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