[AT] Fw: Computer problems once again.
Steve W.
falcon at telenet.net
Tue Jan 23 15:02:23 PST 2007
The big problem with IE 7 is IE 7. MS really went nuts with trying to
integrate security crap into the program and making it more like a nanny
than a browser. I have yet to talk to someone who is running it that
didn't have problems with some part of it. That includes MS employees as
If you think IE is bad wait until you try Vista.... It is a real pain.
About half of the things a normal person want to do don't work well on
Vista. It has REALLY went overboard on the Digital rights management, to
the point that IT will decide FOR YOU if you can play certain music and
if you can watch certain movies. Want to burn a CD for the road? You
better have permission for all the songs. Lot's more hidden inside there
as well. Just running a program requires you to give permissions for
each step. You get an Email from a friend with a picture you want to
look at, you have to approve it each time.
So far it has been a real POS.
Ralph Goff wrote:
> charlie hill wrote:
>> Thanks for all the replies and advice. I finally got rid of V 7 and
>> got back to IE 6. Take my advice, if you haven't loaded IE 7 yet
>> don't do it at least for a while.
> Charlie, I've been hearing the same thing about IE 7. My computer has
> been notifying me every day for a month now that updates are ready for
> my computer and when I check, it is IE7. The main reason I have not
> taken the update is that it is something like a 14 mb download which is
> just too time consuming for dial up internet service. Plus, I have no
> problems with IE6 so why change?
> On a tractor note, I did finally get the carb. repair kit and installed
> it in the Cockshutt 40. A little disappointed to see they did not
> include one of the parts I needed most, the seal or packing material
> that goes around the adjustable needle of the main jet on this Zenith
> carb. Consequently I had to improvise with a small o ring from a Holley
> carb kit.
> Evidently I did not get the float level adjusted right as the carb still
> leaks through the bowl gasket when parked. The tank shut off also does
> not seal allowing about a drip per second even when turned off tight.
> After a good warm up yesterday I removed the carb. adjusted the float so
> the gas will hopefully not rise to the level of the gasket and not leak.
> (Assuming the new float valve is doing it's job.)
> Ralph in Sask.
> Going out to check on it now.
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Steve W.
Near Cooperstown, New York
Pacifism - The theory that if they'd fed
Jeffrey Dahmer enough human flesh,
he'd have become a vegan.
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