[Farmall] Any advice on THIS problem (Off Topic...sorry)

James Moran jrmoraninc at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 1 14:51:17 PST 2007

 Yes, there is a huge differential between  city-vs-suburban-vs-bucolic existences.  Mike Sloane very  accurately reported how truly dangerous the practice of "farming"  is.  A long sleeved shirt and a rotating drive shaft are  immediately at odds and, invariably, that shaft will emerge victorious.

CDHORN at aol.com wrote:  My same grandson rode with me anytime he was over when I was cutting  grass.  
To me kids who grew up on a farm learned lessons in self  sufficiency that 
are sadly missing today.  I would really be interested to  know how many of 
these accidents today happen to people who actually grew up on  a farm versus the 
suburbanites or hobby farmers who never really learned  the respect of 
equipment by using it.

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