[AT] My JD 2010

Almost-Running Deere deereman1000 at hotmail.com
Wed Jan 24 12:57:15 PST 2007

Maybe he has a better smeller than me! My diesel typically smells pretty bad on it's own not sure I could detect the odor of fuel in the oil. Typically dielsels dilute the crankcase oil slightly as part of the lubricity of the fuel with some volitiles burning off if worked hard.  Without an increase in oil volume (making oil as someone said)  or  a definitive crankcase oil analysis it almost sound sas if the problem is minor if at all..

> Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2007 15:32:15 -0500> From: davidbruce at yadtel.net> To: at at lists.antique-tractor.com> Subject: Re: [AT] My JD 2010> > I think the fuel was identified by the odor on the dipstick. If the > pump is leaking it is a very small amount as the oil level by the > dipstick hasn't changed. > Not two phases so it isn't water or antifreeze. Seems not to be a major > problem at this time but I haven't run the tractor hard since the engine > rebuild either.> David> NW NC> > Almost-Running Deere wrote:> > One thought-how was the fuel identified. Typically diesel mixes freely with oil-essentially diluting it? Did it appear as a crankcase oil volume increase or as two phases? If two phases it is likely coolant not fuel!> >> > > >> _______________________________________________> AT mailing list> http://www.antique-tractor.com/mailman/listinfo/at
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