[Farmall] Any advice on THIS problem (Off Topic...sorry)

David Bruce davidbruce at yadtel.net
Wed Jan 17 14:26:00 PST 2007

I think you have a very good idea.  Nice thing here is anyone is treated 
with respect - one of the reasons I lurk here.

James Moran wrote:
> DB-
>  This is musing and nothing more.  The Farmall Group  members are to a man and woman upstanding, productive,  "non-crazies".  As far as I know, I would trust any one of you  with anything I own and get it returned cleaner, sharper, better, and  (probably) with interest.
>  Would it not be great if this young guy  (10 years of age) could be a part of something of a support group  comprised of the Members that were so inclined to participate?  We  "do" the kinds of things that interest him, up to and including caring  for the environment and wildlife.  You collective experience  (combined with a sensitivity toward his "troubles") might well be a  Godsend and take his mind off of his day-to-day woes.  It was  noted that, due to the nature of things, the fellow might be "forced"  to find his friends in the "adult world" in order to avoid the  ostracism from his contemporaries.  Good point, by the way.
>  Of  course, this is a stretch in all regards and his parents would have to  sign on to such a thing.  I am not altogether sure that he uses  "cyber", but I do know that there is a machine within his home.
>   Any comments?
>   JM

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