[Farmall] and so it goes

James Moran jrmoraninc at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 17 05:19:50 PST 2007

To those of you who "care" about this (off topic, admittedly) situation....
  The school district is not inherently "bad".  In fact, my wife has  taught high-level math within the Churchville-Chili system for thirty  years.  I would reckon that this sort of "bad behavior" can be  found throughout the country in varying degrees of severity.  I do  agree that the administration should be held accountable for allowing  this pattern to perpetuate itself.  Also, this child's mother is a  music teacher in the district and, even with that "status", there  appears to be no proactivity on the district's part.  The father  is, understandably, outraged and the mother is having "fits", according  to him.  I wonder if some child protection agency could/should be  made aware of the "going's on" and intercede.  I just do not know.
  I may have mentioned this before....I notice that the boy's "taste" in  music is gravitating to what I might dub "the dark side".  I take  this as a bad indicator.  With enough frustration/rejection/sense  of helplessness, the seeds of "acting out" are sown and, one of these  days......

John Hall <jthall at worldnet.att.net> wrote:  I'm sure there are 2 sides to every story but given what we have read over 
the past couple months, I would move to a better school district, or at 
least to another area so he could go to another school. If nothing else I 
would start raising heck with the school board, city/county commisionsers, 
state reps and senators. Sooner or later the right person will get fired or 
get their act together.

Good luck.
John Hall

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "James Moran" 
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2007 5:20 PM
Subject: [Farmall] and so it goes

> So...
> My little friend Aaron continues to be bullied by his  classmates.  The 
> school saw fit to put him in "detention" this  week.  The weather, as you 
> MUST know, has been terrible in these  parts over the last several days. 
> The school system stuck Aaron  in a room and shoved him up tight against a 
> desk ("confined"  him).  The young fellow freaked out and left the 
> building in  Churchville, New York (Fairbanks Road) and took off without a 
> coat  walking down Buffalo Road (Rte. 33) to try to get back home.  The 
> school authorities finally woke up and retrieved him off of this very 
> busy thoroughfare, replete with municipal snow plowing trucks.
>  What the hell????
>  JM
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