[Farmall] Some ads from the 2/10 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
mikesloane at verizon.net
Sat Feb 10 15:35:29 PST 2007
Some of the more interesting ads from the (free to
subscribers) Mailbox Markets section of the weekly Lancaster (PA)
Farming newspaper for 2/10/2007. For the full listing, go to
<www.lancasterfarming.com>. [my comments, if any, are in brackets]
Wanted: JD 420 1956-58 Peifer, 5 spd., WF, 3 pt., looking for good
original tractor. Lancaster Co. 717-284-3550.
Tractor chains 150 Long 24 across aggressive type No wear $50. David
Bradley walk behind cultivator tractor. Berks Co. 717-933-4721.
Retored Farmall 400, exc. paint, metal, emblems, good TA 15.5-38,
Goodyears, FH with 3 pt. adapters, pwr. steering, $3,900. Fayette Co.
RM59 mower, $400; RM306 $400; RM 90 mower, $900; Farmall 140 w/woods
unersling mower, $2,500; MF 50 $2,300. Bucks Co. 215-598-7546.
Over 100 old wooden shoe molds, make offer. Unusual old window sash, 7 &
9 pane, oak frames, approx. 40x47, several smaller. Lanc. Co. 717-664-5157.
New Holland combination saw, no blade G.C., $200; Farmall A with cult.,
potato hillers Serial #92702A GC, $1,750. Bucks Co. 215-598-0997.
MM ZTU show tractor; HC G with cultivators, choice, $1,375; Ford 1600
diesel with loader and 3 pt. equip., $4,800. Union Co. 570-524-2410.
Massey Ferguson MF 65 farm tractor, engine runs great, has hyd. problem.
Garage kept, body in good shape. Schuylkill Co. 570-640-8309.
Massey Harris tractors, 444, 333, 33, 44, 44 special, 44k, 101SR, 22.
For more information 570-458-5942 or 570-204-9990. Columbia Co.
Massey 65, runs fair $1,800; MF2444 crawler loader Perkins needs work
$2,200. Minneapolis Moline black forklift west NDS wk-1,800 U.S. Postal
Jeeps & parts, AC electric & gas fork tks. Carroll Co. 410-848-8720.
M. Farmall 1954 Super H, very nice running & Time Collector's tractors
M, $2,500; Super H $3,800; Super A 1500 3 F125's, 3 Cubs, make offer.
Cester Co. 610-942-3710. Ask for Howard.
King Wise elevator; Farmall tractors; 400D Super C; M McCormick
equipment; No. 76 pull type combine, No. T46 bailer; No. 6 hammer mill.
York Co. 717-225-4355. No Sun. calls.
John Deere 550c dozer; JD M restored; 1957 420U with power steering,
reverser, No. 3 pt. Lycoming Co. 570-482-2070.
John Deere 420U 1956 allgreen, with JD No. 36 hyd. loader. Both in very
good operating cond. Tioga Co. 570-324-2821.
John Deere 3020 diesel; John Deere 2630 diesel; John Deere 310C 4x4,
3,000 lb. trailer; 6' 12' Ball hitch, $750. York Co. 717-432-8587.
John Deere 1010 dozer diesel, manual angle blade, reverser, good
mechanical condition with very nice undercarriage, $3,500. Lanc. Co.
JD 520, MF 85, JD B, IH 340, FML 560, FML-H, IH 300, AC-C, AC-WC,
AC-D17, Case 580, Port-Welder, 3pt plows, 3pt disk, 10 ft. disk, wagons,
1985 Ford Bronco. Clinton Co. 570-726-6641.
JD 60 tractor with rare JD Factory front mounted snow blade runs good.
nice tin complete but needs paint. $3,800. Bedford Co. 814-356-3603.
JD B on steel, 1938 JD 45 combine, two heads corn grain. Ph 570-745-3128
after 6:00. Lycoming Co.
JD snowplow will fit 40 or 320 $700. obo. Montgomery Co. 215-723-7145.
JD350 Crawler Loader roll cage winch overhauled 1 yr. ago. 1989 F800D
dump truck 41,000 miles, plow spreader $6,500. each. Snyder Co.
JD50 9N tires wheel good tin or whole tractor, bad motor. Wanted: Red
tractors A thru 200 Series parts tractor, reasonable price. Chester Co.
Ask for Howard (610) 942-3710.
JD 2040 early model, good running cond. on steel or rubber $4,000. OBO.
Lanc. Co. (717) 355-0298.
JD M, looks good, good tires, uses oil, needs flywheel repaired with
cycle bar plow cultivators $3,000. Clarke Co. Bill Haney, P.O. Box 146,
Upperville, VA 20185-0146.
Int. 400 7'' snow blade, angle trip spring with skid shoes, fits most
tractor loaders, $100; Baltimore Co. MD 410-256-3729.
Int'l. 3850 wheel loader, six cylinder gas straight frame machine
$3,750. Kent Co., DE. 302-242-2026.
I.H. 184 with belly mower turf tires. tractor has small elec. problem
will not cran it over. $1,000 cash. Lancaster Co. 717-808-7923.
IH 444 (40 hp) w/newer quick attach loader, very good cond., good paint,
nice unit for horse/hobby farmer. Lancaster Co. 717-367-3614.
IH No. 23 sickle bar mower for IH 140, no bar; Sioux valve grinder;
Yates American table saw. Warren Co. 908-475-3330.
Gravely's mods L & L1 & L8, complete or parts & attachments. Call for
needs. Wanted: Clinton engine mod VS 1200, dead or alive. Lehigh Co.
Ford 861 Power Master tractor, runs exc., power steering leaks, new cam,
Superline dump and equipment trailers. Lycoming Co. 570-482-2070.
Ford 801 pie weights, 48'' Fletcher glass cutting board, 1940's
Knickerblocker cement mixer with TH hopper cooled engine. Mont. Co.
Ford 860 on steel; IH 130 manure spreader; JD #30 bale ejector; JD 16
left hand plow bottom. Lanc. Co., 717-445-7522.
For sale: JD Crawler 420C, runs, fair condition, $1,500. Juniata Co.
FML M parts, pistons, rods, fly wheel, manifold, FML 400 parts, rims,
cast wheels, seat, located near Pittsburg. Westmoreland Co. 724-834-7197.
Farmall A, new rubber, $1,800. Farmall BN 1000 Super C parts tractor,
500, self contained, 7x9 dump bed, 700. Perry Co. 717-275-3372.
Farmall H 1944, runs good, good tires, $1,800; 1989 Cadillac Brougham,
runs and looks good, $1,800. Lodi, NY Seneca Co. 607-582-7353.
Farmall H with front end loader, good for parts, $500 obo. Monroe Co.
Farmall H with loader, not running, engine loose, needs back tires,
$600. OBO. 3 pt. Scraper Blade $300. Leb. Co. 717-949-8196.
Farmall 656 hydro, gas, WF, 3PH, new rubber, w/2250 loader, 5 ft. bkt.,
straight, original tractor, loader like new, will separate. No Sundays.
Lanc. Co., 717-336-6280.
Collectors 120 Ford Lawn Tractors alum deck $250. David Bradley walk
behind cultivators tractor Make offer. Berks Co. 717-933-4721.
Antique power magazines, complete from 1998 to 2006, perfect cond., $60;
Green Magazine, complete 1998-2001, $40. Hunterdon, NJ 908-735-7572.
Allis Chalmers model CA, front frame weights, rear wheel weights,
tricycle with 2x mounted plow, excellent condition. $3,500. Northampton
Co. 610-704-2249.
AC WD45 good tires, rims, belt pully, engine stuck, needs TLC, $800 obo.
Also wanted 8N row cultivator. Montgomery Co. 215-257-4809.
AC B Jamesway belt feeder; concrete silo 16x50; 14' Midwest dump body;
6' flail chopper; 7' IH mower. Bucks Co. 215-536-5011.
8N Ford tractor, been in storage, 4 yr., some new parts, $1,500. Carroll
Co. 410-848-1913.
1951 Ferguson TO/20 tractor, excellent condition, good rubber, shed
kept, $2,600. Centre Co. 814-364-1101.
Mike Sloane
Allamuchy NJ
<mikesloane at verizon.net>
Website: <www.geocities.com/mikesloane>
Images: <www.fotki.com/mikesloane>
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than optimists because they have so much evidence on their side.
-- Molly Ivins 1944-2007
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