[Farmall] reply to Steve O's "objection"

James Moran jrmoraninc at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 28 10:50:12 PST 2007

Just before my very next task of "un-subscribing" from this list, please indulge me a moment more.

A few words and/or phrases that come to mind in terms of "cyber bullies"....

* arrogant
* pugnacious
* confrontational
* manipulative
* self-absorbed
* pushy
* egocentric
* self righteous
* dictatorial
* self ordained
* intolerant
* holier than thou

I have much enjoyed and have benefited from having been a part of the "Farmall" group.  However, as I  would not remain in a "bricks and mortar" room in the presence of someone with a chip on his shoulder and spoiling for a fight, I have no intention of sharing "internet space" with such an individual.

I am confident that, as any "tractor troubles" unfold, some of those who I have met (literally or figuratively) will assist.  The same applies to "non-tractor" concerns (e.g., the generous and spot-on advice I received from Members regarding how best to help my neighbor's troubled child).

I sincerely wish you the best for the coming year and always.  Thank you.


soffiler at ct.metrocast.net wrote: I am stunned that you guys still don't "get it".  The issue
is NOT the content of a single post, that is of course
easily handled with the delete key.  The issue is a topic
that has devolved so far from tractors that it is now a rant
about government intervention in the lives of private
citizens.  If this list had a strong admin presence, I would
FULLY expect him/her to step in at precisely that moment. 
I've seen it happen countless times on at least a couple
dozen different Internet-based forums I've been on in the
last 15 years.  Fact is, our list owner Spencer Yost treats
this list in a rather hands-off manner and therefore I would
not necessarily expect to see him weigh-in on this subject. 
I *think* he believes we're adults who can work things out
by ourselves, for the most part.  Thus I am not shy about
throwing in my two cents.  Again, it's not a single message
per se, it's a concept, and I've got no delete key for that.

Steve O.

----- Original Message Follows -----
From: "Al Jones" 
To: "'Farmall/IHC mailing list'"

Subject: Re: [Farmall] reply to Steve O's "objection"
Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2007 17:27:20 -0500

>AMEN Phil!!!!!!  You're exactly right!!!!
>...And mine has worked well on every post I have ever read
>on this list that I didn't like, didn't agree with, or
>otherwise didn't have a use for.  I don't know why it's so
>hard for some to just hit delete and not gripe to everybody
>else about it!
>Forgive me, it's been one of those days.
>Tractor reference:  I just got done helping my dad drill
>some post holes with the post hole auger on the IH 424. 
>Sure beats using a set of hand hole diggers! We had one
>that had to be dug right beside a big sweetgum tree.  That
>would have been a nightmare by hand.  It was sure fun
>watching it eat through the roots, then poof! Go right on
>down.  I let it go all the way down to the gearbox, just
>for fun ;)
>-----Original Message-----
>From: farmall-bounces at lists.antique-tractor.com
>[mailto:farmall-bounces at lists.antique-tractor.com] On
>Behalf Of Phil Kelley
>Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2007 3:00 PM
>To: Farmall/IHC mailing list
>Subject: Re: [Farmall] reply to Steve O's "objection"
>I have a "delete" key on my computer!
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "James Moran" 
>To: "Farmall/IHC mailing list"
> Sent: Thursday,
>December 27, 2007 2:25 PM Subject: Re: [Farmall] reply to
>Steve O's "objection"
>> Well, members...there it is.  From now on stay "on topic"
>and free speech 
>> be damned.
>> soffiler at ct.metrocast.net wrote: JM:
>> Strongly DISAGREE.  Just because it *started* with a very
>> legitimate topic for the Farmall list, does not mean it
>> should continue regardless.  This topic has digressed
>> significantly.  As soon as the political rant shows up,
>> it's time to speak up.  Your points are understood, but
>> unfortunately they're a bit naive.  Since I've been
>> around a fairly wide variety of Internet newsgroups,
>> email lists, and Web-based forums for about 15 years now,
>> I can speak with a certain level of experience under my
>> belt, and my input is this:  topics always, always,
>> ALWAYS digress.  It is as predictable as the rising sun. 
>> When there's nothing else to discuss, the digression can
>> often be benign, and occasionally proactive and
>> interesting.  But anyone who has watched this happen
>> literally hundreds of times in the past has witnessed
>> some human nature at work, and I can assure you that when
>> the topic devolves into politics or religion, it's high
>>time to call it quits.  Just my opinion. 
>> Steve O.
>> ----- Original Message Follows -----
>> From: James Moran
>> To: Farmall at lists.antique-tractor.com
>> Subject: [Farmall] reply to Steve O's "objection"
>> Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2007 07:31:15 -0800 (PST)
>>>Well, the thread began with tractor owners seeking
>>>solutions to the damage caused by "wildlife" (e.g, mice).
>>>This expanded to concerns over significant and costly
>>>damages from other wildlife (e.g., deer) to crops and
>>>property, plus the dangers associated with highway
>>>mishaps due to human "build out" and lack of adequate
>>>management to control populations. While this is not
>>>necessarily "hard wired" to machinery, based upon the
>>>high level of commentary from members, it MUST be a
>>>shared concern and, IMHO, appropriate for general
>>>discussion and provision of common experiences and
>>>solutions. Jim 
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