[AT] OT Merry Christmas! And ramble
Larry D Goss
rlgoss at evansville.net
Tue Dec 25 08:27:35 PST 2007
Tell me, Mattias, does the floor plan of a farm house in modern Sweden still
follow the age-old plan from several hundred years ago? In northern and
eastern Europe at that time, the hearth was central to the dwelling, both
literally and figuratively. The bottom end of the chimney could be 2 meters
square or more and there was a ladder located inside that ran most of the
way to the top so that the chimney could be used for dried and smoked meats
and other food storage. With that sort of mental image in a child's head,
there would be no problem in believing that Santa (Saint Nicholas) could
indeed arrive and leave through the chimney.
I don't know how widespread that particular floor plan was, but I know it
was common in northern Germany, Pomerania, and eastward to the Volga delta
on the Caspian Sea. Was it also common in Sweden?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mattias Kessén" <davidbrown950 at gmail.com>
To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2007 4:42 AM
Subject: Re: [AT] OT Merry Christmas! And ramble
It's always nice to be able to help.
In Sweden Santa Claus arrives at Christmas Eve. Now the kids are playing
with their new toys.
I had the pleasure of being Santa at the neigbours, it's always nice to see
the kids excited, glad and a little frightened at the same time. All the
smells from the food, the glögg and the christmas tree. Our room where we
store all the food (can't find the word right now but it's a 8'X8' cold room
in the north of our house where we store food) smells so wonderful.
Now I've eaten leftovers as late big breakfast and feel so good (if I don't
try to move ;-)
Oh we discussed it the other day me and Magdalena but we couldn't
remember/didn't know, why is it called boxing day?
2007/12/24, H. L. Staples <hlstaples at mcloudteleco.com>:
> Merry Christmas to you Mattias and your family. We have some 16 hours here
> in Central Oklahoma before the start of Christmas day. Our three sons and
> their families will be here for our Christmas gathering at noon today as
> David our Fire Department Captain is working tomorrow.
> We are so lucky to have them close enough that we are able to talk and see
> them often.
> A good friend that has been in bad health for the last year had a
> lightning
> strike that took out his DSL modem and killed the either net card that is
> part of the mother board on the new Dell computer. Son Leo and I opened
> up
> the Tower and saw that there was a spare slot and then went to Best Buy
> and
> picked up a new card and installed it, now they are back in business.
> Norma my friends wife tried several times to get support at Dell, but kept
> getting someone in India that she could not understand.
> The lightning strike happened during the ice storm we had a couple weeks
> ago
> The lightning and thunder was I think the noisiest ever.
> H. L. Staples
> McLoud, Oklahoma
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