[AT] Wind Chill (was RE: oil change)

Bo Hinch mmc at suddenlink.net
Sat Dec 8 15:35:06 PST 2007

Ralph , down here in S. Louisiana the below statement is ALWAYS used when 
the temp. runs below 40* because at that temp and with wind blowing 30 or 40 
MPH  and a high humidity  , it makes you feel like you are -0 in Alaska .

(( Actually the term wind chill is not even used in the forecast unless the
temperature is below freezing.))

Man , I just dread winters ,especially like last year , we had three whole 
days of 31* weather and it SURE was cold when the wind was blowing  .I`m 
thinking of moving further south to a warmer climate .

Just had to put in my 2 cents worth   ( .-*-. )

Bo Hinch in Sulphur , Louisiana where its Hot in the summer and Cold in the 


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