[Farmall] reply to Steve O's "objection"

Paul Sigmund pwsigmund at verizon.net
Thu Dec 27 14:29:15 PST 2007

The wonderful thing about this BB, just like this country, is that we have
freedom.  Freedom to our views, freedom to how we live and act.  Relevance:
Freedom to read a post, or not.  Isn't that a wonderful thing?  I certainly
don't read every thread on here.  Or on any other site.  I don't expect it's
all there for me.  And I certainly wouldn't think of telling the
participants in a thread of which I have no interest, or one that is going
in a direction I do not wish to follow that they haven't the right to do so.
I would have the courtesy to walk away.  How basic is that?  The history of
this world has way too many examples of  individuals trying to exert their
own control over the desires and enjoyment of others.   Scary stuff.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: <soffiler at ct.metrocast.net>
To: "Farmall/IHC mailing list" <farmall at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2007 1:41 PM
Subject: Re: [Farmall] reply to Steve O's "objection"

> JM:
> Strongly DISAGREE.  Just because it *started* with a very
> legitimate topic for the Farmall list, does not mean it
> should continue regardless.  This topic has digressed
> significantly.  As soon as the political rant shows up, it's
> time to speak up.  Your points are understood, but
> unfortunately they're a bit naive.  Since I've been around a
> fairly wide variety of Internet newsgroups, email lists, and
> Web-based forums for about 15 years now, I can speak with a
> certain level of experience under my belt, and my input is
> this:  topics always, always, ALWAYS digress.  It is as
> predictable as the rising sun.  When there's nothing else to
> discuss, the digression can often be benign, and
> occasionally proactive and interesting.  But anyone who has
> watched this happen literally hundreds of times in the past
> has witnessed some human nature at work, and I can assure
> you that when the topic devolves into politics or religion,
> it's high time to call it quits.  Just my opinion.
> Steve O.
> ----- Original Message Follows -----
> From: James Moran <jrmoraninc at yahoo.com>
> To: Farmall at lists.antique-tractor.com
> Subject: [Farmall] reply to Steve O's "objection"
> Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2007 07:31:15 -0800 (PST)
> >Steve-
> >Well, the thread began with tractor owners seeking
> >solutions to the damage caused by "wildlife" (e.g, mice).
> >This expanded to concerns over significant and costly
> >damages from other wildlife (e.g., deer) to crops and
> >property, plus the dangers associated with highway mishaps
> >due to human "build out" and lack of adequate management to
> >control populations. While this is not necessarily "hard
> >wired" to machinery, based upon the high level of
> >commentary from members, it MUST be a shared concern and,
> >IMHO, appropriate for general discussion and provision of
> >common experiences and solutions. Jim
> >
> >
> >---------------------------------
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