[Farmall] I hate mice

Mike Sloane mikesloane at verizon.net
Mon Dec 24 13:30:10 PST 2007

I used to have a problem with mice in the tractors, until I started 
parking them in my neighbor's bank barn (I cut her grass and plow her 
snow, so she lets me use the lower level, while she uses the upper level 
for her stuff). She has, at any one time, and average of a dozen cats, 
and they like to sit on the upholstered tractor seats and watch for 
mice. I have have no mouse problems with any of the tractors up there. 
For my barn (no cats), I got some Rid-Ex pellets from the local feed 
store. They seem to work much better than D-Con, and I don't find any 
carcasses - I guess, as advertised, they head for water and die. I used 
to have some help with mice from black snakes, but after I got the 
guinea fowl, I don't have hardly any snakes - guinea fowl attack and 
kill any snakes they come across.


Frank DeWitt wrote:
> BIG Question.  How do I keep mice out of my tractor.  What do you 
> do?  Do I need to inspect it once or twice a year?  How about that 
> Mice be gone spray?  Moth balls?  I protect my antique generator with 
> mothballs, but I seal it in plastic to do it.
> Other advice, or thoughts?
> I hate mice.
> Frank

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