[Farmall] Merry Christmas! (if and only if saying so does not offend)

James Moran jrmoraninc at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 24 09:44:02 PST 2007

To All-
Best wishes from the unsettled weather realm of New York.  Yesterday we got clobbered with steady rain and driving winds...temps in the 50's.  This day?  Low 30's and snow accumulation up to 5".  Go figure.  People on the streets are borderline nuts so, unless I feel the need to plow, I am staying right where I am (inside, that is to say).
Best to all of you and my hopes that your holidays are pleasant and, above all, safe.  Stay close to each other and, if you are so moved, give your "red friends" and extra ration of 30 weight.
Jim Moran

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