[AT] Spam> Re: Maybe not camping in Portland

Ivan Cousins ivancou at alltel.net
Thu Aug 2 13:51:11 PDT 2007

Larry ,oh this dont sound like fun .         no turning wrenches for how 
long ? Aw man , I just bought out two guys with a bunch of O&R engine parts 
, sent off  for quotes to have more stuff made . She's threating to take my 
keys as iff its bad nuff that its not looking good for  portland .
 Did your's get totally severed or just a nick ? Only one stitch to hold the 
nick on it and four in the hand .Well it could've been a lot worse , but on 
the up side all three maintence men looked at my saw finally. It only been 3 
or 4 years that the guard & brake dont work .  Ivan 

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