[AT] AT Digest, Vol 42, Issue 30

Chris Britton c.britton at worldnet.att.net
Thu Aug 30 13:09:10 PDT 2007

Steve.. that's great.. but which of those were in antique tractors with a 
standard in-distribuitor points setup?  and used a common replaceable round 
can coil like the original poster spoke of?

We aren't talking impulse pickups, electronic modules and modern HEI 
ignitions here.. this is an antique tractor list.. and the original post was 
clearly about an of fthe shelf 3 terminal repalceable round can coil like a 
napa IC14SB or similar style..


>Message: 40
>From: "Steve W." <falcon at telenet.net>
>Subject: Re: [AT] grounded coil
>Maybe you should actually work on an engine or two. GM has used a
>grounded coil for years, As has Chrysler, Ford and just about any other
>auto manufacturer. Add in most 2 strokes and any of the small engines
>out there that use a coil mounted near the flywheel to power the
>ignition. They are ALL grounded on one side. They have to be to complete
>the circuit.

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