[Farmall] retro fitting 3pth

Lisa Kelley pippi-longstocking- at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 21 14:39:17 PDT 2007


posted awhile back about 3pth hitch kits for a Farmall H. Someone mentioned 
getting a 3pth off a junked tractor and putting that on the Model H.  Any 
suggestions for what tractors might have a 3pth that would be workable for 
the H??? I own the tractor but am in no ways a mechanic- have an assortment 
of friends who would be rigging things up to run and everyone has a 
different opinion......but  agree a kit made for this tractor most fool 
proof. My limited undertstanding is that the hitch needs to draw correctly 
from the tractor for safety...this being tricky in general due to the Model 
H high center of gravity. Have also heard lot's about fabricating a 
hitch..... have neighbor who is a experienced welder/ mechanic w/ the right 
equipment etc. but we have not been able to hunt up any specs---anybody know 
of any out there???

just trying to exhaust options before plonking $800 down for the hitch kit 
and it's shipping ;-)

Thanks much,
Lisa in Maine

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