[AT] Need advice on 3pt Tractor

toma toma at risingnet.net
Wed Aug 15 22:30:16 PDT 2007

On Wed, 15 Aug 2007, charlie hill wrote:

> Mike's idea about the maintainer for your driveway business is a good one.
> The ones I'm familiar with are Allis W Speed Patrol and the WC's with the
> aftermarket grader front end.  There are others out there.  The only dowside
> is that they might require a kinda long trailer.

I recall some years back a local contractor on the coast had a very small 
motor grader.
It seems to me it was called a Razor. I searched the net and could find 
nothing like it.

The only guy in the area that is doing grading has a Cat 12E and a water 
truck. He mostly does bigger jobs like common roads that are priately 
maintained. The only time he does driveways is when he happens to be 
working in the neighborhood.

When we first bought the place up there John Parks recommended getting 
into grading, I guess thats where the idea comes from.


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