[AT] Off topic question/now storm
Danny Tabor
dannytabor2000 at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 17 05:16:07 PDT 2007
Yea we got hit fairly hard in Maryland.
Considering what other area's went through we didn't
fair too badly. The electric had went out from
midnight till about 4 yesterday evening. I felt
fortunate to have a generator to run all the
essentials. I'm also thankful the tree's still lacked
their leaves otherwise I'm certain I would be outside
with a chainsaw today.
Danny Tabor
--- Bob McNitt <nysports at frontiernet.net> wrote:
> All the request to see the images made me think some
> of you might want to see what the massive Nor'easter
> did to areas of NY and the Northeast yesterday. This
> link will show you what our backyard looked like on
> Monday.
> http://nysowa.org/Docs/springstorm.htm
> Bob in CNY
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