[AT] Off topic question
Danny Tabor
dannytabor2000 at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 16 20:02:20 PDT 2007
Yea, thats them Mike. Thank you.
Whatever the reason, during my years in school we
were never really taught the devastation caused during
the Pearl Harbor attack. Really not taught very much
about any of the wars we entered.
I really regret that now and embarrassed by my
lack of knowledge. So anytime I find or get
information or pictures of that time I'm drawn to it
and inclined to share it with others. Especially folks
my age and younger, we do learn from the past or at
least we should.
Danny Tabor
-----------One quick note.. My great Grandparents both
spent time in Japan. With plans of leaving the boat
they loaded their belongings in, including a grande
piano they entertained with, was sunk by a Japanese
sub. If it hadn't been for my great Grandmother being
ill that day her and my great Grandfather both would
have been on it and sunk as well. From what my mother
has told me there wasn't any survivors on that boat.
I'm sure there are many stories such as that.
--- Mike <msm10301 at juno.com> wrote:
> Here's the link:
> Mike
> -- Doug Tallman <dtallman at accnorwalk.com> wrote:
> >
> > > I was forwarded an email with pics,
> recovered
> > > from an old Brownie camera, of the Attack on
> Pearl
> > > Harbor.
> Not to pee in anybodies cornflakes here, but if you
> check this one on
> snopes, you'll see that the pics are real but the
> story isn't. Their
> still
> interesting since we're all interested in old junk.
> I've got them
> already!!
> Doug Tallman
> VGTCOA Ohio Regional Director
> Greenwich, Ohio, USA
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