[AT] OT:Take Care of Your Health
RonMyers at wildblue.net
RonMyers at wildblue.net
Sun Apr 15 19:16:50 PDT 2007
Gene had my heart attach about 11 years ago didn't fair as well as you did
but I do get along now and that's because of my By-Pass surgery.
Like you said if you are over 50 then watch out for the symtons I didn't
an it hurt me real bad.
My heart goes out to Myron's family I hope he has a great Tractor send off.
> To all;
> In view of the misfortunes of some of the list members and some of my
> personal acquaintences, I wish to urge anyone who may be at risk to have a
> thorough physical examination.
> Last summer, I started having chest pains and lack of stamina during
> exertion. I am from a large family and have a family history of heart
> problems. I contacted my family doctor with the symptoms and he scheduled
> a
> stress test the next day. The stress test showed a blockage of near 99
> percent on a main artery in my heart. 3 days later I was in Ohio State
> Hospital having 2 catherizations and stints installed. The procedure was
> an
> over night stay and I was home the next day. There were very few
> restrictions to my activities afterwards.
> This blockage was caught before any damage was done to any heart
> muscles
> or other organs.
> I took a followup stress test last week and was given a clean bill of
> health and no blockage. I took my flight physical the following Friday and
> all signs were good to get back to flying.
> I hope that if this message saves even one list member from a
> disabling
> disease that I have passed on this message to good advantage.
> Please take care of yourself, we are not bullet proof and medical
> science can do wonders.
> Gene Dotson
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