[AT] List member check in Please Read

charlie hill chill8 at suddenlink.net
Mon Apr 9 08:20:43 PDT 2007

It's good to see so  many folks check in.  We all need to remember to post 
something once in a while even if it's slightly off topic.  The list won't 
survive if folks don't post something.

I remember in years gone buy getting nearly 100 posts a day from this list. 
I recently was out of town for 16 days.  When I got home I had way less than 
100 post total from the list.

Irma, I'm sorry to hear about Kevin.  Please let us know how he gets along.

There are still some regulars that haven't checked in.  H.L. and Farmer come 
to mind.  There are others too maybe they'll check in tonight or in a day or 

Now if someone would ask a few tractor questions we'd be back in business.



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