[Farmall] Starter motor: troubleshooting?

Andy glines pioneersop96 at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 18 06:12:31 PDT 2006

Sometimes the armature will have a dead spot and if
the starter happens to stop on that spot it can do
exactly what you had happen.  I went through this with
the club's H a couple of weeks ago.  The starter
button did nothing.  All connections were checked. 
The starter wasn't jammed in the flywheel.  We fixed
the problem by rolling the tractor as if the roll
start it while I was also holding the starter button
down.  All it took was a little bump off of the dead
spot and everything worked fine again.  Ideally the
starter should be rebuilt but I bet it will be a long
time before it does it again.  You may try tapping on
the starter with a hammer while holding the button
down.  Your plan to remove the starter and turn it a
little should also work.

--- Dean Vinson <dean at vinsonfarm.net> wrote:

> Spent a nice day yesterday cleaning up the M and
> tinkering with the fuel
> sediment bowl, and just now went to put the tractor
> back inside.   No
> response from the starter.  I confirmed it's getting
> electricity when I
> press the starter button, but no movement, no sound,
> nothing.  I haven't had
> the tractor long but have never previously had
> trouble with the starter.  
> My plan is to take it off, look at it, try to rotate
> it by hand, and see if
> anything occurs to me.  Any suggestions on where to
> look?
> Dean Vinson
> Dayton, Ohio
> www.vinsonfarm.net

Andy Glines
Evansville, IN

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