[Ford-ferguson] 8n Engine swaps

otto hyie twolts at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 15 14:20:30 PDT 2006

re engine swaps---I have a diesel 641 and a gas 861
and the engines don't seem to be the week point it
seems to be the old gears in the trans and
differential.have broke a ring gear and a trans
counter shaft gear in the 641 and the 861 makes some
pretty eerie sounds that don't make me that confident
in it.unless I'm the exception here I wouldn't waste
time putting more power in one--as far as existing
engines I haven't had any problem finding parts for
them? Hope that helps

--- Compmikey at aol.com wrote:

> I know this is blasphamy, but are there kits (trans
> adapter plates)  to
> allow using newer engine with these old tractors we
> love?
> Maybe a a small late model four or V6?
> MV NE Ohio
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