[AT] Last Saturday plow day (long)

Len Rugen rugenl at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 11 16:12:22 PDT 2006

I tried to have a personal plow day Sunday.  It's been dry here and I wanted to break up some food plots for this fall's deer hunting.  It's late, but with no moisture in the ground, it doesn't matter.  The plots that had been worked in the spring weren't too bad, just dusty.  
I tried to break some new ground and had to work 2 gears lower than normal and I'm having trouble keeping the plow in the ground.  I think I need a can of plow suck.  Then on first pass on the last plot, I guess I was a little deaper than before and rolled out a beach ball size rock and bent the front coulter.  I think I have another that will work.  
What I need is a new set of plow shares for a 16" AC.  I don't have a clue as to the model number. It's a 3 pt. hitch, not snap coupler, but was probably a kissin cousin to a snap coupler plow.  I called the AC dealer and he can get after market shares if I bring in an old one.  I don't think the plow has the right shares on it now anyway, they stick over to the left side, I think they are really 18" AC shares on a 16" plow.  Like a mud fence, it works, just ugly.  
Does anyone have a source for AC plow shares that lists them by size or something?  I'd like to find the right thing before I tear one off.  
Len Rugen


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