[AT] tractor wreck

kgw gwaugh at wowway.com
Mon Sep 25 07:09:54 PDT 2006

Oh, so well put, sir!

Elgin, IL

captneb wrote:

>I love to tell the story about a time I stumbled into Omaha, the only place
>that passes for a city in Nebraska, about rush hour.  I was only doing ten
>miles an hour over the speed limit so of course everyone was impatient with
>me.  One guy in a big SUV pickup was right on my tail, dodging side to side
>but all four lanes headed east were jammed so he was stuck...as was I.
>Finally he whipped around me, pulled even, gave me The Look, and
>sped...twenty feet ahead.  He never got much more ahead of me than that
>until I got off I-80.  Thing is, as he passed I could see why he was so
>impatient.  He had his cart and golf clubs in the back.  See, he was in a
>hurry to relax.
>At this very moment I can hear cars speeding by our gate on the highway.  I
>know who they all are since there are only 350 people in this town.  They
>all know exactly  how long it takes them to get to their jobs, exactly what
>time they need to leave to get there, and they all leave EXACTLY six minutes
>too late.  Which means they all have to drive like idiots every day.  I love
>it when my scanner blares with the names of these same Einsteins being
>stopped yet once again.

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