[Farmall] M carburetor seepage

Andy glines pioneersop96 at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 5 05:42:16 PDT 2006

I think that these guys have it about right Dean. 
Start shutting the fuel off at the tank.  It sounds
like the float may need adjusting a little.  If the
tractor runs good and is not smoking I would leave it
alone.  You can put a new gasket between the bowl and
the top half but don't depend on it not leaking

--- Farmallgray at aol.com wrote:

> I agree about shutting the fuel off at the strainer.
> Even the operators  
> manuals say to do this. I always shut all mine off
> and let them run till they  
> stop from lack of fuel in the carb. I believe the
> manuals say that if they  
> aren't going to be run for a half hour or more, to
> shut the fuel off. You can  put 
> a kit in it, but I'll bet it still leaks out the
> weep hole when it  sits.
> Todd Markle
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Andy Glines
Evansville, IN

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