[AT] funny..

Steve W. falcon at telenet.net
Sat Oct 28 09:39:39 PDT 2006

Francis Robinson wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> Don't know if you guys are trying to be morbid  with all this cemetery talk
> or just trying to get in the season with Halloween next week
> 	A cemetery morbid??? Not to a genealogist...   ;-)
> 	There is a TV commercial on now that shows a couple getting all upset
> because they just looked out the window and discovering that outside of the
> window of their great hotel room is a huge very old cemetery. They start
> preparing to leave at once. If that were a genealogist the reaction would be
> "COOL!!!! Let's go look..."   ;-)   ;-)
> 	As a parallel, imagine looking out of your new hotel window and seeing a
> huge collection of restored antique tractors, each with a story to tell.
> :)
> --
> "farmer"
> The brave may not live forever but the easily frightened may never live at
> all.
> Francis Robinson
> Central Indiana, USA
> robinson at svs.net

There are a few OLD cemeteries around here that folks seem to just 
ignore. I have been attempting to restore the one behind our fire 
station to some semblance of order by filling in the collapsed graves 
and straightening headstones. I would love to repair the iron fence 
around it and cut down the sumac trees as well but so far the town 
doesn't like that idea. Maybe I'll just have to do it anyway.... I hear 
it is easier to get forgiveness than permission sometimes.
I have to find some good epoxy for a couple stones, they are the nice 
carved marble ones with huge finials on the tops and a couple have lost 
the top ball. Any suggestions out there. I talked to a local memorial 
outfit and was told that THEY repair stones but don't tell others how.

Steve W.
Near Cooperstown, New York

Pacifism - The theory that if they'd fed
Jeffrey Dahmer enough human flesh,
he'd have become a vegan.

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