[Ford-ferguson] Some ads from the 10/21 Lancaster Farming

Mike Sloane mikesloane at verizon.net
Sat Oct 21 15:35:31 PDT 2006

Some of the more interesting ads from the (free to
subscribers) Mailbox Markets section of the weekly Lancaster (PA) 
Farming newspaper for 10/21/2006. For the full listing, go to 
<www.lancasterfarming.com>. [my comments, if any, are in brackets]

For Sale:

Power King tractors with loader; Ferguson 30 with implements, 
overhauled, 12 volt, good rubber, tin, tractors working daily. Carbon 
Co. 570-386-4828.

Power King snowblower, 4 ft, $485 obo. Cumb. Co. 717-249-1428.
Parting out farming C, or will sell all together. Union Co. 570-568-4752.
Oliver Hart-Parr tractor 1930 model 28-44, restored, steel wheels, 
$5,000, Montgomery Co., 215-723-9118.

Oliver 88 runs good sheet metal rims good 88 motor seized 77 motor needs 
rebuilding 88 frame trans rear. Bucks Co. 215-257-5887.
MF65 loader, PS, new rear tires, 7 hyd, snowplow in bucket, $5,500. 
MF202 loader backhoe, rebuilt engine, $5,300. Chester Co. 610-998-9166.
Massey Ferguson 65 diesel, PS remote hyd, fair condition on steel, 
$3,200 obo. JD 14T baler, $150 obo. Union Co. 570-966-4583.
John Deere Model 45 loader with mounting brackets. Loader came off of a 
John Deere B, $300 obo. Lycoming Co. 570-494-1098.

John Deere D, $2,500; John Deere potato digger; John Deere antique grain 
drill; Little Giant hay, grain elevator; Butler Co., 724-353-1392.

John Deere diesel 2010 with loader, good tires, runs good, tricycle, 
$4,500; American air compressor, $1,000. Chester Co. 610-932-8943.

JD B, good running cond., $1,500 obo; 10 - 15 8 ply implement tires on 8 
lug rims. Lancaster Co. 717-445-4978.

JD parts, Hillside hitch, gas tank for Cyclone B, wheelweights, 130,000 
BTU, Reddy heater. Chester Co. 610-593-6464.

JD W/F axle round housing, F2890R, $600. 1 14x38 rim, $200. 1 16x38 rim, 
$175. Ha. Co. 410-836-6754.

JD-520, JD-B, IH 560, IH-H, IH-340, FR-300, Ford 8N, MD-85, MF 35, Case 
580, AC-C, AC-WC, AC-D17, pot-welder, 10 ft disk, 12 harrow, rear 
blades. Clinton Co. 570-726-6641.

John Deere A 1941, great sheet metal, runs good, hand start, best offer 
around, $2,200. York Co. 717-938-5818.

John Deere 1020 with steel wheels, good running order, $3,800. 
Cumberland Co. 717-423-6300.

John Deere 301A industrial gas tractor, P/S, 3pth rollbar side mounted 
sicklebar rear flail mower York rake, $2,500 Bucks Co. 267-566-5116.

JD 70D, runs good, new electric start, battery, alternator, good tires, 
$5,000 obo. Also pony motor, $300. Montour Co. 570-441-8674.
JD 750 w/ldr, $7,000. Long 2510 w/ldr, $7,000. Mahindra 2015HST w/ldr, 
$9,900. JD 870 w/ldr, Ford 3000, 8N, 2N, high-low. Dauphin Co. 717-545-9120.
JD 650 tractor, loader, power steering, 3pt finish mower, $5,900. Full 
size air jackhammer, $200. ATI preseeder, 3pt., works good, $800. 
Chester Co. 610-269-6784.

JD 3010 gas NF, 3 pt., new rear tires, paint; JD 50 3 pt., new paint, 
other parts. Butler Co. 724-283-0196.

JD 4020 side console, sincro, $7,500. Oliver 348, 3pt, 4bt trip plow, 
like new, $750 obo. Must go. Somerset Co. 814-267-6256.

JD 440 front track support 10T wagon gears, 500 gal. Girton tank chisel 
plow, parts IH, 800 plate planter, parts. Luzerne Co. 570-864-3257.

JD 50 good metal, good tires, $3,500; 250 bushel J&M bin with extension, 
no running gear, $375. York Co. 717-432-3991.
J.D. 50 loader with manure bucket for two cylinder tricycle tractors, 
loader in very good condition, $475, Adams Co., 717-677-8682.

International CVB Low Boy, 1960 front plow, sitting 3 yrs., $1,000 firm. 
Snow plow Cub Cadet, $100 obo. Harford Co. 410-679-2764.

IH tractor with loader and backhoe, $4,000; NH L555 diesel skid loader, 
1975 hrs., $5,900; Case 1835C diesel skid steer, $7,500; Berks Co., 

IH wide front end, new tires, $800. IH 282 motor diesel, needs overhaul, 
$400. Col. Co., Md. 410-795-4033.

Int. TD-6 parts rollers, tracks gears, motors, pumps, etc. Liv. Co. 

IH tractor model 606, gas 3 pth with front end factory loader, vgc, 
$4,800. AC-D-14 with loader & brush hog, $3,500. Cambria Co. 
814-241-4075 or 814-322-1295.

IH 140 good rubber, hyd, new paint, $2,850. 3 pt Landpride 6 ft. rotary 
mower, $625. GMC 366 motor, $110. Harford Co. 410-877-1658.

Ford 860 tractor, new tires, runs good, $3,600. York Co. 717-244-6125.

Farmall M-560 belt pulley and gear kit, $150. Fenders, manifold for H&M, 
$135. 814-634-1918.
Farmall H with loader, nice, $2,300. Woods 5ft., 3pt. finish mower, 
$500. 1987 F-250 A/T, lifted, $4,200 obo. Northampton Co. 484-357-9405.

Farmall H, tractor, nice, $1,200. Cub Lo-Boy tractor w/4 side mower, 
snow blade, $2,100. Best offer. Lanc. Co. 717-940-1882.
Farmall M with front snowplow, runs good, $2,400. Cumberland Co. 
Farmall Cub attachments, Woods belly mower, $800. Front blade, chains 
and spreader, $650. 2 turf tires, $100. Bradford Co. 570-924-4029.

Farmall Cub tractor w/belly mower $1,350 & Cub manure spreader w/book, 
new paint & floor $850. Lebanon Co. 717-949-8196.

Farmall Cub w/front, back wheel weights, cult, garden plow, snow plow, 
tire chains, all in exc. cond., $2,500. Lancaster Co. 717-687-7617 or 
cell, 629-1667.

Farmall 656 hydro diesel, WF, PS, 3 pt hitch, $6,500. Huntingdon Co. 

Farmall Cub - yellow, white with 60 mower, good, $2,500. Cub manure 
spreader, operates ok, good restoration project $375. Cumb. Co. 
Farmall 300 utility PS-torque, runs, needs restored, $900 obo. 
Fiberglass tk caps, long bed Ranger - F150, 8 S/C, 97-03, bo. Franklin 
Co. 717-597-0927 or 717-304-3346 after 8 p.m.

Cub Farmall crank shaft hydraulic cultivator plow, sickle bar mower, 
belt pully, rear weights, shed kept, manuals, $3,000. Lanc. Co. 

Cub snowplow & chains, $300. 1993 Jaguar XJ6 parts car, good front end 
engine, trans and many other parts. Bucks Co. 267-566-5116.

Cub snowplow, $250. Kubota snowplow, snowplow for Farmall C, $300. Case 
D tractor parts. Bucks Co. 215-598-7546.

D-17 series III, high hrs, jumps third, S.C. gas, $2,750. Loader for WD, 
$200. Somerset Co. Before 7 p.m. 814-662-2417.
Dirt/snow blade and frame, fits Ford, works ok, needs paint, includes 
lift, $200. Can send/e-mail photos, Chester Co., 484-645-1025.
Case VA WFE parts or restore, $400. AC D17 WFE, $2,500. Northumberland 
Co. 570-672-1342.

Case 530 bottom plow, snow plow, cultivator, front end loader, 3 
differnt buckets, tire chains, will trade for sheep. Sch. Co. 
570-233-3895. [How many sheep equals a Case 530?]

Cab for 3020 John Deere in good shape with heat. Adams Co. 717-334-9424.

Allis Chalmers WD, NFE, solid tractor, good rubber, $1190. Modern 
military tent, $900, 5 sections. Berks Co. 610-987-3798.

Allis Chalmers HD 5 & 6 parts rollers, sprockets, truck trans., motor, 
final gears, etc. LIv. Co. 585-243-0413.

AC HD 9 Dozer $3,000; 98 Dodge 350 cum. eng. 12 stake 85K miles, $8,000 
unit 1020 Crawler Crane $2,000. 680 Case parts. Cecil Co. 410-378-2785.

8N Ford tractor, LA John Deere nine replacement windows, 41 3/4 x 55 1/4 
Huskey riding mower, call anytime. Lanc. Co. 717-786-0859.

2 Internationals 154 with mowers, Ford 8N, good tin with 7 blade, 
$1,950. Belt drive unit 45. Bucks Co. 267-471-2672.

1957 Farmall Cub w/belly mower, snow plow, chains, weights, lights, no 
leaks, in good shape, $2,795 OBO. Dauphin Co. 717-533-7345.

1961 Cub Loy Boy, runs, needs little work, good winter project, has fast 
hitch and matt mower. Dauphin Co. 717-649-2493.

1967 Intl Cub tractor with 5 belly mower, run good, $1,700 obo. New 
Castle Co. 302-740-6929.

1938 Allis Chalmers B hand crank, with cultivator, decent rubber & 
condition, $1,200 O.B.O., Lebanon Co., 717-949-3949.

1939 Oliver 70, rubber rear spokes, good motor, tin, fair $750., J.D. 
two bottom plow, $125. Can haul. Berks Co. 610-207-7500.

1953 Furg T30 restored, good rubber, 3 pt. hitch, runs perfect, $2,750. 
JD 110, $500. JD LT133, $500. Lanc. Co. 717-284-5038.

1948 JD B, good cond., runs good, needs paint, remote cyl. quick attach 
cultivators, $3,500. Lebanon Co. 717-272-2477.

1948 Farmall Cub with mower deck, snow blade, wheel weights, runs great, 
$1,550. Bucks Co. 215-962-9480.

1947 Vac Case tractor, restored totally, $3,800 neg. Must see to 
appreciate. Lanc. Co. (717) 367-3314.

1941 Massey Harris 101JR new front & rear tires, needs grill & side 
panels, needs restoration finished, runs good, $1,000 OBO, Blair Co., 

Mike Sloane
Allamuchy NJ
<mikesloane at verizon.net>
Website: <www.geocities.com/mikesloane>
Images: <www.fotki.com/mikesloane>

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